IBHL Math/AP Calculus BC

<p>So, I, along with 10 other IB students at my school, am a year ahead in math so our school offers AP Calculus BC for students in said circumstance so that we have the opportunity to have 4 years of math. In the past, this class has been entitled AP Calculus BC but apparently this year my school was debating if it should be an IBHL Math class instead. We were never really informed about the change… and on my preliminary schedule it even said the class was AP Calculus BC! Accordingly, I marked on the UC application I would be taking AP Calculus BC as a senior. However, on my 1st semester report card, the class appears as “IBHL Math” so it’s going to appear on my transcript as IBHL Math. So my question is: should I notify the UC admissions office about this discrepancy?</p>

<p>Sure, why not? You’re still taking a rigorous class (probably more rigorous than AP Calc.). I don’t think the UCs will fret over a change like that…</p>

<p>Yeah, I guess you have a point…
I don’t even understand why my school changed it. First of all, all 10 of us have already taken the IBSL Math test and no one has the intention of taking either the IBHL Math test or the AP Calculus BC test. Secondly, it’s more of an AP Calculus BC class than anything. I mean the teacher is teaching the material directly from an AP Calculus textbook -_-</p>