IBM ThinkPad r51

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I was thinking of buying this laptop at the above address. I just want to know from you expert people on this board is this a good deal and/or a good laptop? Is 6.6 lbs a lot for a laptop? Should I just go with a cheaper lighter Dell? Any help would be very nice. Thanks.</p>

<p>I think you would be happier with the T or X series,.</p>

<p>6.6 lbs is not that bad, the laptop I'm taking (a Sony) is 7.2 lbs. But the R Thinkpads are on the heavy side for a Thinkpad, they're thick, and most of all don't have much of a battery life. If portability is an issue, then go with any T-series model. X-series is not worth it; you trade off a lot of power for just a little more portability.</p>

<p>In case you do want to go with a Dell instead, then go with the Dell Latitude D610; it is very comparable to the Thinkpad T-series.</p>

<p>What about the Dell 700m, any good?</p>

<p>The 700m is a smaller version of the 600m (which is a cousin of the D610, if you look at it that way.) Personally, I try to avoid the entire Inspiron line, but I've heard many comments lately that Dell is truly improving the quality of the Inspirons, most notably the 700m, 6000, and 9300. If you really like the 700m, then I say go for it. It is quite portable, and, unlike the Thinkpad X-series, you only sacrifice little performance.</p>

<p>The Dell Inspiron 600m is related to the Dell Latitude D600, not the newer D610.</p>

<p>Both the D600 and D610 are related to the 600m. They share strikingly similar designs. The difference between the two Latitudes is that the D610 uses Intel's Sonoma Centrino processor which replaces the Centrino (whose name I've forgotten) used in the D600. But then the 600m still uses the old Centrino technology.</p>

<p>The D610 and the D600 were different. The D610 has a different chassis and is considerably more solid feeling than both the D600 and the 600m. In addition, the keyboard on the D610 does not flex like the keyboard on the D600 and the 600m. Furthermore, the 600m and the D600 get very warm/hot on the palmrest area while the D610 does not.</p>

<p>Similar designs, but still quite different.</p>

<p>I've got an R51, and I love mine, and the price sounds okay. As for weight, I've never found mine to be too heavy, but I rarely take it with me to class, and so the weight doesn't matter to me much. It's an incredibly reliable computer; I've never had any problems with it. I think that the only drawback is how much it's worth. Whenever I take my computer anywhere, I'm very aware that it's a nice computer that its a very expensive computer. Consequently, whenever I have it outside of my room, I watch it like a hawk. But it really is a great computer. I've had it for one year, and it's never crashed on me, frozen, or done anything that's made me panic even momentarily that I'm going to lose my stuff. Knock on wood.</p>