<p>Hey, my ibook's hard drive crashed a few months ago, and I'm going out to get a new one today. I have no idea why it crashed -- supposedly just a random fluke, and it's just outside of warranty. I've been reading some stuff online and it seems like a few people are having problems with ibooks, and nobody with any other kind of macs. (Unfortunately I don't have the money for a completely new computer). So should I get like AppleCare or something -- would that be worth it? Or is Apple really nice aobut replacing when something isn't your fault, even if it's outside of warranty (wishful thinking I know). I guess I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do to prevent this happening again. Thanks</p>
<p>applecare all the way.</p>
<p>it's probably the best thing you can "upgrade" when you buy your mac, although some people wait until the 1-yr warranty expires to buy it.</p>
<p>sorry to hear it crashed on you =/</p>
<p>Wouldn't it be a better idea to get the Applecare after the warranty expires, so that you would be covered for all four years of college?</p>
<p>basically, from what i can tell, yes.</p>
<p>s'what i'm planning on, at least :)</p>
<p>apple care starts from date of purchase. so if you purchase in may 2005 your applecare will be good for three years after that. if you purchase applecare in november 2005- applecare will still only be good till may 2008.
and what do you mean crashed? you mean your hard drive is dead or is it repairable?
my daughter has been using a refurbished ibook from small dog for the past 3 years. it is running OS 3.9 and doing great.</p>
<p>Darn their trickyness! So the whole idea of extending your warranty won't work?</p>
<p>THey told me I can't get AppleCare when it's outside of warranty. So they're installing a new hard drive for a lot of money and installing a new OS for free (dare I hope they'll give me tiger?;) ) According to the technician, those crashes happen in 1/1000 ibooks.</p>
<p>ahh, tiger is beautiful if they do give it to you.</p>
<p>and it's good to know that we can't trick the applecare system to get 4 yrs of warranty... i guess it was just too good to be true.</p>
<p>we can't just get it like 1 day before warranty is over?</p>