My DS, an ice skater, is thinking about applying to Emory. Are there any rinks nearby?
I’m amazed that I know something about this topic as my D is starting at Georgia Tech this fall and we have also been looking for skating rinks (where we live now, lots of rinks…not so many in the deep south).
Anyway, everyone keeps referring us to “the cooler” which is in the suburbs but evidently a nice rink. Here’s an overview
And there’s also a place called “Atlantic Station” which is an shopping/living area within in-town ATlanta and they have an outdoor rink for 3 months a year.
Atlantic Station is the only place I know of (I’m far from an expert on ice skating)… It’s about 20 minutes from Emory. 5 from Tech.
Thanks @SouthernHope and @aluminum_boat It looks like everything is in the suburbs and even the in town outdoor rink is not too nearby. Perhaps Emory should come off the list.
Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park (downtown Atlanta) also sets up a temporary ice skating venue during the winter.
There are nearby full time professional rinks in Marietta (‘Ice Forum II’), Alpharetta (‘The Cooler’), Cumming (‘The Ice’), Sandy Springs (‘Center Ice’) and Duluth (Ice Forum I’). It is correct that these are all in the suburbs outside of Atlanta, however they are open nights and weekends. The rink in Duluth, for example, is not a terrible trip from Emory or Tech (outside of rush hour), it is a straight shot of 20-30 minutes or so up Interstate 85.
It may be surprising, but ice skating is a fairly popular activity around Atlanta (GA Tech has a hockey team, I believe they practice in Cumming).