Ideas for an HTML website?

<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>I'm a freshman in high school and I'm currently taking a class on Intro. Computer Science. The course grades mainly on little one-page quizzes and little assignments, which is not too bad, however 40% of the semseter grade is based on the final HTML web page that the student creates, presents to the class and posts on the school network. The HTML page has to be pretty extravagant with pictures, animation, sounds, multiple pages, etc. I have a long time until we even start working on our individual HTML page, but I wondering if any of you who are familiar with web pages, or have had to a project similar to this, etc. might have any great ideas on what I can do my HTML website on. I can base my website on anything so I'd really appeciate any ideas!</p>

<p>You should look at <a href=""&gt;;/a> for some site ideas.</p>

<p>You should do it in something you're interested in.</p>

<p>How about an HTML site about doing HTML?</p>