IDOC, CSS Profile and some questions.

<p>Hi, I'm applying to MIT, and apparently, I have to submit my financial aid stuff by February 15th.</p>

<p>Now, I'm kinda getting worried, because I haven't got any IDOC packets yet. I have submitted the CSS Profile, but I haven't received the "IDOC" packet that MIT requests as a way to submit your 2007 tax forms. I have already submitted my 2007 tax forms (through simple mail), but is it important I submit them again using the IDOC packet?</p>

<p>If so, what should I do?? </p>


<p>It’s been a couple years since I had to do an IDOC, but I recall that they sent the info to me via email after I submitted the CSS. The letter generates automatically if you sent the CSS Profile to a school that requires IDOC. They will send a link to a cover sheet with specific instructions re: what you need/order of documents.</p>