IDOC questions

<p>On verification worksheet:</p>

<p>For ages, do I put the ages on June 30, 2008 or now?</p>

<p>For untaxed income, does that include tax-deferred pension plans already reported?</p>

<p>I'll probably have more later =) thanks.</p>

<p>i put ages now</p>

<p>i tried not to overlap figures... but i'm not sure.</p>

<p>on the cover page where we fill out the scantron-like bubbles-- pencil or pen?</p>

<p>do the documents ahve to be in any particular order?</p>

<p>on the verification form where we have to put down all family members and colleges they are going to (if any), what do we put for ourselves? As of now, we are undecided.</p>

<p>when it says signed, does every page, including 1040's, have to be signed?</p>

<p>answers to my own questkions if anyone needs them:
sign only the places required by IRS, not every page
cover page bubles can be pencil or pen, as long as dark enough
order of documents doesn't matter
on verification form for self, put "undecided" under "college"</p>