Today, my friend was talking (well bragging) that she was going to get into her dream college because her mom works there, and that she’ll get a 50%+ discount on her tuition because of her mom working there.
Is this legit? Like, can a college accept someone just because their parent works there?
Also, her mom isn’t a professor, she works in one of the offices.
She isn’t the smartest either, and this is a highly selective school.
So yeah, I was just wondering if this is something that is actually happening during the admission process.
Thanks in advance.
I don’t know if there is any edge admissions wise. I hope not. But I do know that children of employees at a lot of schools do get a discount and some places even free tuition at the school or within the whole state system in some cases. The proferssor’s children as well as the secretary’s children at the university where I went to graduate school got to go there at a huge discount.