If Anyone Can Possibly Help?

<p>Hi Guys i just signed up over here, and i love the little community you all have. I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice about college acceptances, and the whole process. I was also wondering how hard it will be for me. I currently go to a private school in L.A. I am a B+ and A- student. Sophomore right now, junior in the fall of 2008. I am going to be working this summer as well as doing community service. I am Indian, as in from India. I am on the Varsity Soccer Team. There is about 125 kids in the high school, and 26 in my grade. </p>

<p>Any Help Would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You Very Much for your time.</p>

<p>I'm not sure what kind of help you want. You should plan to take the PSAT in October of your Junior year and see how you do. You might want to take some kind of SAT prep course or get a workbook. You didn't say where you are interested in applying. Take a challenging courseload but don't get in over your head and wreck your GPA. Hope this helps.</p>

some advice about college acceptances, and the whole process


<p>That's terribly vague; vague enough to the point that you probably won't get much advice. </p>

<p>What mimk6 is true, though. I suggest you take a diagnostic SAT out of a book or on the SparkNotes website. From there, see which areas need improvement so that, come October '08, you will have prepared yourself sufficiently to nail the PSAT and secure for yourself a spot in the National Merit Scholar running, which always helps. Start planning for the SAT Subject Tests as well - I wish I did earlier. Establish some good relationships with a few teachers and extend them past the classroom, if possible; in other words, work early toward a couple of great teacher recommendations. Also, contact your guidance counselor soon if you have not already. He/she will be able to help you on your journey through the arduous college admissions process. As far as course load/rigor is concerned, always opt for the more difficult path. Don't drop your language class after so the graduation requirement is met, don't add pointless classes like Art and the like to your transcript, and don't kill yourself over Bs. Also, though I will probably be attacked for suggesting this, think about, even if it's only a little idea in the back of your head, your college essays. Worry about your major now, too. Pick out colleges that you think you might want to attend and start reviewing the quality of whatever aspects are important to you in a college: academics, social life, atmosphere, cost and financial aid, whatever. There's undoubtedly more to the process than what I've described thus far, but that's the general gist of it. If you want to talk more or need any help, feel free to PM me or IM me on AIM. Good luck.</p>


<p>The admissions process has a lot to it, so what you're asking us for is a little vague. However, I suggest you start by taking the PSAT if your school offers it. But the Official College Board SAT prep guide and learn some of the techniques to use and take some practice papers. After the PSAT, take the SAT a few months later (when you think you're prepared enough)...</p>

<p>thanks guys
i was wondering what is the average sat scores for the UC system and Usc
and how close is that to the ivies?
i am in a small school does that make it harder for me to get into a good school?</p>

<p>I think if you go to the website and click on admissions you can find the information about SAT scores. It's different for each UC.</p>