If APES is so easy....

<p>...how come, according to Wikipedia, "it remains one of the lowest '5' scoring AP Exams to this date right under AP Art History."</p>

<p>I think AP Art History was a much easier 5 for me personally…</p>

<p>Self-studiers, probably.</p>

<p>People who take it at my school take it because they wanted to avoid the workload of ap bio. I think there are two factors that go into it being a low-scoring ap:</p>

<p>-teachers that don’t teach to the test, or do anything at all, because they thought APES was so easy and frivolous that they needn’t bother teaching (a bit how freshman regular courses have terrible teachers that just don’t care)</p>

<p>-students who aren’t the most studious (took it because it was an easier A than the other sciences)</p>

<p>^Agree, my teacher didn’t teach us very well about the AP test, and only about a third of the class ended up taking it. I felt confident about it and I did well in practice tests, so hopefully I’ll overcome bad teaching.</p>

<p>Same reason as Human Geography. The kids taking it are mostly NOT AP level.</p>

<p>Look at Calc BC’s 43.5% five rate. Does that mean Calc BC is easy? No way.</p>

<p>definitely Freshman teachers who didn’t care, the APES was scrapped in my school b/c of failure rate.</p>

<p>I think it’s because of self-studiers. A lot of kids in my school self-studied APES because they heard it was the easiest AP and they didn’t want to take AP Bio, but ended up failing cause they didn’t study.</p>

<p>its a senior class…the idea that you think self studying makes up a large amount of students is incorrect.</p>

<p>It’s not always a senior class, a lot of juniors in my school take it. I think it’s largely because a lot of non-AP kids take it, thinking it’ll be really easy, and it’s harder than they can handle.</p>

<p>I think it’s because the people that do get 5s usually take what they feel as the harder classes such as Physics C and Chemistry.</p>