If decide not to take some of AP tests projected to take Sr year on UC app - need to notify UCs?

<p>My sons are each taking 6 AP courses this year – if you count the two semester long courses as separate, but it turns out some of them wouldn’t do much to place out of UC courses, and one of them is thinking of not taking the two tests that wouldn’t be as helpful. (Their school has AP macro economics followed by politics and government second semester, so they don’t get micro economics and it is our understanding AP macro alone won’t test you out of Econ 1 in any event, you also need micro.) However, when he filled out the application he anticipated taking all the AP tests.</p>

<p>The UC website says insignificant changes don’t have to be reported, but significant ones should be reported. He is still taking the classes, he just wouldn’t be taking the tests. My other son is going to take them, just not bother studying much for them since he will have four others, and let the scores fall where they may. I had recommended just taking them in any event, to avoid the question. However, you do have to pay for the tests, and my one son thinks it makes no sense to take them if he’s not putting in the time to study, which does have some logic behind it.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if this has to be reported if he decides not to take some of them? They do ask on the application if you intend to take them, which does make me think it might be significant in their eyes.</p>

<p>I’d wait for the acceptances and directly ask the schools you are most interested in. Worst case, you take the tests cold and let the chips fall where they may. By then your boys will be in or out.</p>

<p>Thanks. That was my thought, to just have them take them. I do sympathize with his reasoning, though. It seems like a waste of time. But they have to sign up for the exams soon, so they can’t wait too long.</p>