If deferred ED can you be waitlisted now?

<p>Or do they have to accept or reject on RD?</p>

<p>Yes, I believe so. My understanding is that a fellow cornellian CCer Grantortue, applied ed, deffered, waitlisted, then offered a GT</p>

<p>no grantotue was offered GT directly after deferral, not waitlisted.</p>

<p>So…anybody have the answer? ^^ thanks for the info just the same</p>

<p>Yes it is possible for you to be waitlisted.</p>

<p>Yeah I would like to know this too as Ive received conflicting info. I was deferred ED from ILR and was told by the dean they would waitlist first then give a GT. All im really hoping for is a GT at this point.</p>

<p>I am a deferred ED applicant who’s waitlisted now… :(:(:(</p>

<p>i was a deferred ED applicant, was then waitlisted, given a preferred transfer, and then offered regular admission. so anything is possible.</p>

<p>I was deferred ED and accepted RD, so anything is possible!</p>