If HS didn't count, what would you do/have done?

<p>If high school counted as much as middle school, would you still do all of the things you did/will do? I think I'd still challenge myself, but a little less. Maybe just APs, some fun clubs and whatever else I wanted to do.</p>

<p>I would do exactly the same. AP classes are easier for me as compared to regular since I can't do homework each night. In fact, I only study before tests or paper turn-ins. Regular homework is hell.</p>

<p>I probably wouldn't have signed up for a lot of AP classes. I'd still try as hard as I do now though. Plus, I doubt my parents would pressure me any less. :D</p>

<p>I would've taken more math classes and focused more on things that interested me. There's no doubt that I'd drop orchestra (which I'm currently planning to take all four years) and probably my history AP's too.</p>

<p>I would have taken even less science than I did (which was as minimal as I could make it.) I might have taken more math, which I tend to avoid out of fear of getting bad grades.
I still would have taken the AP Lang/Lit/USHis.</p>

<p>I would have told my teachers that using slang does not equate hipness.</p>


<p>It's kinda weird when teachers try to get into fashion and kids' stuff. I saw one teacher wearing uggs and leggings under a skirt. Another wears juicy couture and uggs. weirddddddddd</p>

<p>I would have argued with my teachers, also. Some of the points they (try to) make are ridiculous.</p>

<p>I would've done photography and cooking classes =].</p>

<p>Haha, I already argue with my teachers.</p>

<p>ooh I'm taking photo.</p>

<p>I would have taken more humanities stuff instead of being in the stupid 'prestigious' science program i'm in now. I would have gone to the private school that i wanted to instead of this 'prestigious' public. and I would have skipped more...but there's still plenty of time in the future for that :)</p>

<p>I still would've been competitive (that's just my nature), but I think I'd take a bit less APs as electives, and take more electives that interest me more.</p>

<p>gone to the crappier but overally nicer school. Do musicals at that school (I didn't make it at my school now)...NO volunteer work, unless I really believed in the cause. Probably wouldn't go to clubs when I didn't feel like it, instead of feeling an obligation</p>

<p>i would've pushed myself less in english classes. (....detest... english...)
more art-related courses, more marching band :'D more sciences. i like science. i certainly would've dropped wind ensemble; it bores my eyeballs out, but i'm still taking it because i have a chance to audition for some bands that i was borderline on acceptance to in the previous audition. </p>

<p>i would've dropped spanish; i think i'd switch to french, simply because i think i'm more likely to end up in canada than a spanish-speaking country.</p>

<p>so, basically... i'd take more courses that interest me. (and perhaps i'd be less reserved in arguing with a teacher. :'D)</p>

<p>I wouldve stayed in public school and failed math still gone to tooken earth science-maybe get a 80, English 10A-70s Global 10A-80s(and so on basically that school has A= accelerated against every English/history thats not IB) basically it would make no sense for my parents to pay 25k a yr for school if those grades didnt count</p>

<p>I think the better question is "What wouldn't you have done?" :o</p>

<p>I would have just slacked off every once in a while.</p>

<p>I would have said screw it to all honors and AP humanities courses and focused on math and science.</p>

<p>I would have ditched...gone to the beach. Maybe relax more. I'd definitely take more humanities and art classes. Oh, and I would not be set to take my 4th year of math. <em>gag</em></p>

<p>I would have screwed academics and spend all my time on ECs, sports, and partying</p>