If I apply ED...?

If I apply ED, does the college see the midyear report?

<p>they will most certainly ask to see it</p>

<p>but dont I find out if I make the school even before I have those grades?</p>

<p>You do, and so they won't be able to consider it for admission, but if you do terribly first semester senior year, it's possible that they might rescind your admission (unlikely, but always possible).</p>

<p>If you apply ED, the schools will see your grades up to junior year and possibly the first marking period senior year. If you are deferred to the RD pool, then they will request your midyear report. As CremeDeLaMe stated all admissions are conditional on your successful completion at the standards which you were admitted. Major senior slides can be cause to rescind your admission. IF merit money is part of your FA package, slides could be cause you to lose that money because you would no longer be eligible.</p>

<p>Ok thanks, I dont plan to give up senior year or anything I was just wondering. Thanks!!</p>