If I Ask You To Teach Me What You’re Good At

I could teach you:

  • Self defense
  • How the light meter in your camera works and how it affects exposure
  • How to hit a topspin forehand in tennis
  • How to make furniture
  • How to sharpen your kitchen knives on whetstones
  • Basic knife skills and how to cook
  • How to drive a car on a track
  • How to drive a stick shift
  • Basic car maintenance

Training for six-pack abs.


My talents are thin, however, I could teach you:

To play Mahjong
To paint with watercolors
To grow your own veggies
To not just hear what is said, but to ‘listen’!
To preserve & can fruits & veggies


To play classical guitar
To downsize/declutter/purge your stuff


Perhaps one of the most important life skills.


My D is a champion listener! I am very blessed!


I will admit pierogi is my weak spot. Even when I do a whole Polish dinner, I often buy them, but the only ones that are really good come from a Polish deli in Bayonne, NJ. I get several dozen frozen from a cousin who lives nearby (I’m in Virginia) at Christmas and ration them for company and myself through the rest of winter. I did make vegan pierogi with my vegan daughter, and they weren’t half bad, but of course she doesn’t use farmers cheese (my favorite, so hard to find, with sauerkraut a close second?

The rest of the year I make “pierogi noodles.” Fry diced onions until soft and beginning to brown; put in a can or bag of sauerkraut, including the liquid, and season with ground peppercorns and a good amount of caraway seed. While that melds, cooks and browns,(add water to keep from burning but allow it to brown), boil a cup or more of rotini until soft, drain and add to the pan. I used to put the whole mixture in the oven for a half hour or so but now I just let it all sit in the pan. It is sooooo good, and has been a pandemic staple for the past year or more.


Pssst… farmers cheese is not that hard to make. :slight_smile: Here is a good spot to look:


I can teach you to:
Write SAS code
Use Mapinfo for geospatial analysis
Coach youth soccer (probably largely transferable to other youth sports)