If i don't have any work experience

<p>I'm a undergraduate student major in finance, i'm reallly depressed when i found many top50 schools don't admit the student who didn't have work experience. i'm interested in finance engineering, MBA would also be considered. what are those colleges that i can apply to?</p>

<p>Not sure on financial engineering, but getting an MBA from a reputable school isn’t something you do right after undergrad. Typically you work for 2-3 years first.</p>

<p>Get a job?</p>



<p>What is this place, an echo chamber? Why do you guys keep saying this? This is as bad as “business school rejects major in econ”, in that you’re only describing the trend in a small portion of schools. People get MBAs directly after undergrad all the time. Are you only referring to the top 10 when you say “reputable”?</p>

<p>Not really^^^ You need to have an exceptional resume and stats to get into a good MBA directly after undergrad (HBS accepted 1 person directly after undergrad and that was big news). Also, coming out of an MBA without any work experience means you are overqualified for entry level jobs but underqualified for most other positions. If you get accepted to an MBA program out of undergrad, it probably isn’t a reputable one (however, there are some exceptions).</p>

<p>It is usually undergrad, work for 3-7 years, MBA, work, retire.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/business-school-mba/194375-work-experience-really-necessary-get-into-top-mba-program.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/business-school-mba/194375-work-experience-really-necessary-get-into-top-mba-program.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Oh, so the MBA programs just want to use the fact that their applicants are experienced to skew salary data. Since an MBA in and of itself means nothing after an undergraduate degree.</p>

<p>There are PLENTY of unranked MBA programs that allow undergrads (from the same school) to get in without taking the GMAT and enroll in the program right after UG.</p>



<p>My god, I can’t think of anything lamer than this. Attending the same lackluster school for undergrad as for one’s MBA, and in the process skirting exposure of one’s low IQ by avoiding a simple standardized test, clearing the way for one to be judged by his inflated grades that he spent so many lonely nights memorizing powerpoint slides for. Chances are anyone who does this has reading comprehension in the doldrums, compounded further by having so few reading assignments as an undergrad business major. Might as well buy this and wear it around:</p>

<p><a href=“http://rlv.zcache.com/mediocre_tshirt-p235484234061717771uh91_400.jpg[/url]”>http://rlv.zcache.com/mediocre_tshirt-p235484234061717771uh91_400.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Six years of post-secondary for an IQ under 130 (but really closer to 110) is like a fighter who trains for years to face an opponent, only to randomly get beaten up by his mom because he sucks at fighting.</p>

<p>I don’t know about MBA’s, but at least for schools interested in giving MSAccy degrees to their undergrads, many don’t require the GMAT. First, they know how they’ll perform anyway. Secondly, they might fear that such students would spend 15 minutes studying for the GMAT, go in and get crap scores and get admitted anyway. That’d skew the school’s average GMAT way down. I know Texas A&M doesn’t require the GMAT for their 5 year accounting program kids but they do require it of others. I don’t know if UT requires it of their 5 year students…my guess is if they do, the average of that pool is far lower than the ones that apply directly into the Masters program.</p>

<p>what about finance engineering or finan analyst?</p>

<p>it would be better if it was top50</p>

<p>i haven’t planned to get a job after my undergrad, so i’m thinking about finance engineering, i’ve got a Meritorious in 2010MCM, if it was a little helpful</p>

<p>Why would anyone want to get an ug in business then an MBA immediately at a low ranked school that admits you without work experience? What is the point? I teach undergrads and MBAs…it would make ZERO sense to do one after the other (it doesn’t really even make educatinoal sense to do them with years apart but this is even more silly). It’s completely redundant (and ridiculously so if the same school) and wouldn’t make for an attractive resume in any way. Frankly I’ve never even heard of this.</p>

<p>So i could apply to any uni i want to?</p>

<p>Yea but doesn’t mean you will get in. Apply all you want kid. But get a job at the end of the day.</p>

<p>You absolutely must get a job first. There is no other option. It will not only benefit you in terms of getting into graduate school, it will benefit you as a person, which is precisely why graduate programs require it.</p>