<p>i got a 2040 when i took it originally and posted my stats on another thread, look for "brain science" and was wondering if a 2300+ test on retaking in teh fall would let me get into the ivies, i know it would help but would it be enough?</p>
<p>heres my stats from the other thread, and do i need more extracurriculars, i might not choose the harvards for my choice, but i would like to have the option and would like to know what i'm missing</p>
<p>thanks a lot</p>
high school junior, caucasian male
sat math 660
verbal 710
writing 670
(im going to retake to improve the math and hopefully the writing as well)
sat chem and us history sat II pending next weekend
plan on taking sat II math level two and biology
high school gpa 99.6 last quarter whatever that is on a 4.0 scale
top of my class by a long shot, small class, 100-120 people
plan on going to college for a medical background and either becoming a doctor/surgeon or a researcher, either path would be focusing on brain science
my high school has no ap classes but it does college sponsoroed classes, if that makes sense
i have taken all the hardest classes possible so far and next year i will take basic physics, basic level civil war, college-level calculus, college-level english/writing and french, college-level latin american studies, and college-level probability and statistics. these are all the hardest classes and include every single college-level class my school offers, but i know i will be disadvantaged compared to applicants coming from bigger schools. to try and make up for the total lack of college-level science, i applied forand was accepted to a biology/anatomy and physiology program at a local college for 4 college credits.
i have taken band since 4th grade, play the clarinet 1st seat (not bad having practiced 1 hour maximum all year) and will take a level 6 solo next year (hardest level), but that wont happen till june next year. i also played in the all county orchestra and band on reccomendation without the usually necessary solo score. i just started playing guitar and becoming good, and for a while i plyed in the jazz band playing tenor saxophone. i have done martial arts since almost before i could walk, and am now a 2nd degree blackbelt. im in the national honor society, along with the french and science national honor society. i plan on running for some sort of student government (ie class president) next year and continuing the tutoring for math that i started half-way through this year. i plan on doing 40 minutes a day of tutoring for the first semester, as a minimum. i have been on the golf team for 4 years and will be on the top 6 team next year, last year we won leagues and sectionals, if thats too small-scale a victory i don't know. school ski club. i plan on tutoring, at my teachers request, the other kids in my chem class to write better lab write-ups (i am literally the only one getting consistantly above 85 on these, out of 40/50 kids). i am on the top 4 team for our quiz bowl team at our high school.</p>
PSAT/NMSQT at leat a commended student (havent reieved notice that i am a finalist/semi-finalist as that hasnt been announced yet)
bausch and lomb scholarship for math and science
rpi scholarship for math and science
boys state considered student, didnt get into it though
I have also recieved "awards" in the mail. These are Who's Who Among High School Students, WWAHSS: Sports Edition, and the National Society of High School Scholars. I think these are scams/unimportant at best.
high honor roll and perfect attendance through high school probably wont hurt to mention.</p>