If I get rejected by *all* the universities I applied to...

<p>I’ve known for a while now that the “safeties” I applied to weren’t quite <em>safe enough</em>, but now that March is just around the corner, my idealized fantasy of “just…maybe!” is starting to wear off, and I’m confronting the reality that I might actually be rejected by all four of the universities I applied to (at the time, there were two reaches and two safeties, but when grades came in December, all four became reaches).</p>

<p>So, my two questions are:</p>

<li><p>What the hell can I do? I’ve thought about working full-time for a year, but with no bachelor’s degree or even enrollment in a university, I’ll likely be limited to low-skill, dead-end jobs like cashiering.</p></li>
<li><p>If I were to spend a year working full-time (or part-time), or perhaps teaching English in a foreign country (who knows), would I be able to transfer to a UC again come next year? How would this work when I’m no longer in community college? How would I explain my decision to take a year off from school, other than saying I was rejected by all the schools I applied to?</p></li>

<p>Also, I can’t just keep taking classes for another year, because tuition and textbooks are far, far too expensive.</p>

<p><em>sigh</em>, the perils of sophomoritis. :(</p>

<p>OMGOSH this is the worst case scenerio. Dude just relax, keep yourself busy. You gotta get into at least ONE school. Dont worry about it now, just keep up your grades. Think about it later after the decisions come out … you`re gonna kill yourself if you think about all of this now lol</p>

<p>Relax. Just let the decisions come on their own. You can always take a year off. Especially if you’re working. </p>

<p>Now if you weren’t working or doing anything at all it might send of some alarms but the UCs aren’t blind to the average student’s financial troubles. That’s why we have the whole community college system set up in the first place.</p>

<p>Make sure to get good grades this semester. If you don’t get in this season you can always try applying for a winter transfer in June to the schools that offer that. Otherwise, just apply to more schools next time and make sure you have both igetc and major pre-reqs done.</p>


Bleh, I wish, but even though there are four different campuses, two of them are at one level, and the other two are at another level, so it’s really like I only applied to two different schools. -_-'</p>


I think procrastinating on deciding what to do until after I have nowhere to go would be another thing I’d come to regret. >_<</p>

<p>You should have applied to more safety schools then or worked harder for a higher gpa. You cant do anything about it now. All you can do is keep up your grades and whatever happens, happens (cliche i know :x ). If you dont get in, then find some internships related to your major or a job to save up some money. You can ALWAYS reapply if you dont get in, its not the end of the world (although u might think so at that moment). IT’S NOT! Just make sure to do SOMETHING productive if you take a semester/year off, UCs wont look you down on that. UCs are known to be very unpredictable when it comes to admitting students. I know a 2.8 gpa student who got into berkeley, i have NO idea how that happened but it did. Dont give up just yet :slight_smile: Good luck!</p>

<p>how do you guys rack up 500+ posts?</p>


500 posts is nothing…I have 7,456 posts on a guitar forum, 3,629 posts on an Asian forum, 409 posts on a composers forum, and have left thousands of comments on the 16,802 YouTube videos I’ve watched.</p>

<p>Hm…maybe <em>this</em> is why I’m doing so poorly in school. o.O</p>

<p>nice man… theres no way you’ll get rejected to EVERY UC you applied to, unless you had freakin Ds or Fs on major prereqs for impacted majors such as comm or bizecon/business</p>


Actually, that’s EXACTLY the case.</p>

<p>F in an honors speech class and a D in my first semester of calculus, which, along with a second semester in calculus that I’ll now no longer be able to take (due to retaking the first semester) was a major prereq for the most heavily impacted major of all - business economics. Moreover, three of the UC’s I applied to (UCLA/UCSB/UCD) all require second semester of calculus, and the only UC I applied to that doesn’t is UC Berkeley (Hass, no less).</p>

<p>So, yes, it’s quite likely I’ll get rejected by every UC I applied to. :)</p>


<p>apply for winter session using TAG. that’s what I would do</p>

<p>contact CSUs to see if you can still apply.</p>

<p>^ I checked the website, as I originally contemplated having CSUF as a backup, but the Fullerton campus is full, and the Irvine campus is suspected to close due to underfunding. >_<</p>

<p>If u get into none… Retake the courses n line out your grade to get gpa up. Btw if u r a biz econ major n u got a d in math don’t u think that says something. That was mine too but I hated math. I’m soc - French now n have never been happier</p>

<p>i mentioned this before on another thread - if you can’t get into UCR/UCM, you wont do well at any four-year institution. </p>

<p>ask for academic renewal and stuff.</p>


It’s not necessarily that I’m “bad” at math so much as I have a very severe case of premature senioritis. I actually could have taken calculus in high school, but I stupidly decided to wait until sophomore year of college to take it (far after I had forgotten what I learned in trig and pre-cal).</p>


I didn’t apply to UCR or UCM. Just as a note, I was accepted into UCI straight out of high school (though I didn’t attend for financial reasons).</p>

<p>Chill out. What other two did you apply to. Uci and ucsd? And what exactly are your stats.
No matter what you can go to Davis, irvine, San diego, Santa barbara, and riverside at the end of the day because they all have agreements. You can sign an agreement and do as you wish for a year. No explanation needed really or just say you worked to save money or whatever. The only schools I would say your out of the running for now are cal and la. But if la was a first choice u can wait a year and increase chances substantiolly with higher gpa and tap</p>


I listed all four in post #9. :X</p>


GPA is 3.37 (used to be 3.67 until I got my first D and first F last semester - in speech [not a prereq] and calculus [major prereq]). I’m currently retaking both classes, so those “0.0” and “1.0” will I guess be canceled from my GPA (but they’ll still know I got those grades).</p>


Well, that’s the problem - I’m pretty much done with all the prerequisites I need to take. I can’t pay $200 per class just to increase my GPA (and I’ve already taken many classes, so I’d need to take a substantial amount of classes in order for all those A’s to have any significant effect).</p>

<p>Senioritis?! The Fall grades are very important - there is a reason why they make thousands of people go out of their way to do a massive application update.</p>

<p>I would totally understand spring-term “senioritis”, but that’s about it. I wish I could have had senioritis this fall. I was working 35 hours and taking 15 units and getting ulcers from coffee and smoking a lot and barely sleeping. Also strained my relationship with my girlfriend. All for sacrifices I felt needed to be made to transfer. So from my standpoint, your problems are totally on you, and someone like me deserves a spot over someone like you. Sorry nothing personal, I just really needed to rant. :(</p>

<p>^ I’ve had senioritis since freshman year of high school. :X</p>

<p>As for “deserving” it, well, I suppose I should mention that the things that I’ve been doing that have been distracting me from school include reading international news, reading economic and political editorials, discussing domestic and international politics, composing classical music, studying demographics, studying languages, studying geography, studying history, studying sociocultural trends, and an assortment of other “guilty pleasures” for which the educational system regards as a waste of time. =/</p>

<p>^ SO? you have a D and a F … your gpa is more important if you really want to transfer. Having “senioritis” since freshman of high school is your problem. You need to learn how to manage your time and balance things out. You can be focusing on school and also doing your “guilty pleasures” as well. But those things distracted you, so whatever happens, happens. Fall grades are very important, I do think it is going to affect you greatly =&lt;/p>