If I go to usc will I...

<p>Get shot? No seriously though I applied to usc and am starting to reconsider. It seems like usc has the worst surrounding areas vs. any other decent college. Is this a valid reason for not going to usc? It sure seems like it. The advantages of going to usc are seeming suddenly smaller. Thoughts?</p>

<p>If it makes you feel any better, USC isn’t the only great school in a shady area. Yale’s surrounding area - New Haven, CT - is just as frightening. Plus, USC keeps up great relationships with the inhabitants of the area, providing them with many jobs as well as volunteer services from USC students. The few students I know who currently attend and have lived in off-campus housing have had no complaints as to getting mugged/robbed/etc.</p>

<p>It depends on how you feel. Here is my recommendation. If you are admitted, come to one of the meet USC days at USC. Take a campus tour. During those days, they also have a neighborhood tour. Take that as well. Generally, the Department of Public Safety will also give a talk. Listen to them. Go over what you have heard, and see how you feel. </p>

<p>From your post, it seems obvious that you have heard some of the stories of the past year. Most of the crime at USC happens off campus, late at night, with drunk students acting stupidly. That can happen at any urban campus (think Yale etc,).</p>

<p>Whether or not you want this type of campus is up to you. People will tell you lots of things, but the big thing is to actually look at it and decide for yourself. I have been here four years, lived both on campus and off, and have had many different experience. None of them have made me feel unsafe. I’m smart about where I go, and when I go. None of my friends have had any incidents either. I’m grateful for the education that I have received, and wouldn’t trade it. Safety was not a major issue for me, but I’ve lived in a city for my entire life, so I knew how to handle things.</p>

<p>I mean this is college and I don’t want to have to constantly think about where I walk and what time it is. It seems like that is or was a constant thought for you to be aware of at USC. My concern is not that I will get killed, but just that I will have to consistently worry about where and when I go somewhere. Thanks for your response.</p>

<p>Most people who live in major cities do not wander outside when it is late at night. In fact, LA is a big car town and you don’t see a lot of people walking outside during the day like in New York or Boston.</p>

<p>So do most people on campus have cars? I was under the immpression that most people didn’t and parking was hard to get. Thanks for your thoughts.</p>

<p>You don’t need a car. You need to pay for parking permit if you bring your car. My daughter has car so she can transport herself to/from USC. She sometimes takes the bus to go shopping with her friends.</p>

<p>Does she ever consider taking the bus at night? That would be downright dangerous</p>

<p>I’ve taken the bus at night (despite the fact that I have a car). I was perfectly fine. I would recommend doing it with other people, but otherwise, it is safe.</p>



<p>What for? She takes the bus with a group of her friends going shopping only on the weekend, the only time she has free. At night, she’s mostly holed up in the library. However, I doubt that even take the bus at night anywhere else either. This is CA not NYC.</p>

<p>Its part of the experience, but if you cant handle it, then by all means let a real die hard take your spot.
USC is the most awesome school ever though… For undergrad, there is no place I would rather be.</p>

<p>exactly if your doubting it, why take up a spot that someone (like me lol) would kill for. Thats right kill with a dagger or a knife or a gun or a freaking cannonball </p>


<p>After that I think I’m going to have to take your spot! No, jk I think you can have it. I’m not questioning the academics or anything else, I am just wondering if I needed to take the bus or go somewhere at night if that would be available to me. I don’t wan’t to go to a school where I am unable to walk safely around outside at night. I am not trying to take anything away from USC, it is just a concern about going there. Thanks for your input.
P.S. put your cannonball away.</p>

<p>The school is TOP NOTCH, and they have put alot of things in place to appease the weary. They upped the tram schedules, so there are buses from campus more often. They have a campus cruiser, so any student can get a ride from/to anywhere in like a 3 mile radius around campus for free. There are a TON of DPS (dept. of public safety) people driving and on these little scooter “Chariot” things. The area is not great, but when I say it is part of the experience, I mean it. I really think there is something to do with the area, culture, academics and overall attitude of the student body that creates an experience that has lead to such a huge success of the alumni of the school. Sometimes I hate the area, but I would not trade my experience here for anything. I dont think there is a more ambitious, family like student body anywhere. Not to mention, again, the school is amazing.
I take it you have not been… When you go, you will understand. Make sure you go when school is in session. </p>

<p>oh, and you can also use your student dollars or whatever to pay for cabs w/ your student ID.</p>

<p>My kids are both attending USC, as are many of their friends. I have not heard anything from either of them about concern for their safety. Just dropped D off there this month as she entered as a transfer sophomore. I also have many friends whose kids attend or have graduated from USC. None have had any incidents where they feared for their safety. Everyone needs to know how comfortable they are–we are confidant that our kids are safe and they are too.</p>

<p>When my husband visited the campus, he said there were lots of students walking on campus at night.</p>

<p>I remember being told numerous times on campus tours that the most reported crime is bicycle theft… now that made me really worried… not</p>

<p>P.S. my cannonball is away, safely stored under my bed lol… now where to put the cannon is another question entirely</p>

<p>If you intend on living in a city after you graduate from USC, then this would be a good transition. If you intend to live in a rural/suburban area, then there is no need for your discomfort - look elsewhere. Although USC is an amazing school, I have lived in LA my entire life and can vouch for anyone’s testimonial on walking 3 blocks south of the campus at dusk - let alone night. North of the campus on the other hand is amazing. You have countless world famous landmarks. That in itself outweighs the southward walk, don’t you think?</p>

<p>Well thanks for the input. I’m just trying to make an informed decision and find the best place for me. It is just one aspect I have got to consider. I actually have visited USC…but it was during the day. I did walk around outside of the campus and it seemed a little sketchy. I’m sure there aren’t very many severe crimes, yet any one who goes there always has to be vigilant. It is just the mindset or living in a dangerous area, one that I’m not sure I want to be constantly worrying about in college. </p>

<p>P.S.S If you bring your cannon to USC and leave it outside at night, it will definately be gone be morning. Problem solved. (Its got to be worth more than a bike, right?)</p>

<p>lol @ the canonball/canon.</p>

<p>i’m a diehard prospective transfer so i feel the same way about taking your spot :slight_smile: </p>

<p>but honestly, i’ve been to chicago and NYC and have walked both streets past 11 PM up until 3 AM and have not been mugged,beaten,mutilated,raped,or knifed. Can’t say it won’t happen but you always have to walk with the mindset of where you’re going. Never talk to people that are trying to stop you. This isn’t the prairie, people, girls and guys alike, will set people up if you do something stupid or have a stupid look on your face. That being said, every MAJOR city ‘can’ be dangerous. </p>

<p>But my opinion is that the surrounding campus around LA is for a majority as safe as my current college in Montclair, NJ, which is a nice neighborhood. Now if you venture out at 3-4 AM out of USC and go strolling through the unknown streets, can’t promise something won’t happen, but that really can happen anywhere.</p>

<p>Point i’m trying to make, USC is worth it. It’s such a low chance of something to happen that you can just pass by it. I hope i was to some assistance.</p>