if i got an F

<p>if i got an F last semester, along with a couple Cs, do i have a chance to get into brown or stanford or ucla or ucsd? before that i got straight As and on the sat i got a 1990 which i'll retake. it was an F in an AP class since all i'm taking is AP classes.</p>

<p>How did you manage an F</p>

<p>i hate calculus...</p>

<p>Get your SAT higher dude... your chances aren't looking too happy.</p>

<p>oh ok so do i have to go to a community college now? my parents want me to go to at least ucsd.</p>

<p>I think you should retake the class in summer school. And You better have a good excuse for those bad grades. I dont think you will end up in a community college. I heard UCSD is pretty competitve this year. So, just keep doing well in school and enhance the other parts of your application, like your ecs and SAT scores.</p>

<p>chances are pretty poor, especially if those were junior year</p>

<p>Let's calm down and look at this rationally. I'll start with the UC's. I'm assuming you live in California. If so, the UC's have very specific requirements about the classes you need to take AND pass in order to even be considered for admission. They also do not look at the GPA reported by your school but at what is called the "UC GPA" which is based solely on your grades in 10th and 11th grade in these required classes.</p>

<p>If you have an "F" in either semester for one of these required courses, the UC's expect you to make it up with a passing grade, either during the summer or during the school year. OTherwise you don't meet their requirements even if the F was in an AP class. The F will still be factored into the UC GPA, but hopefully you'll pass it with an A and it will be a moot point. (By the way, you can make it up with a non-AP class in the same subject area - your goal is to make sure you meet all of the UC requirements and that can be done either through AP or regular classes)</p>

<p>How many years of passing grade math will you have without the calculus class? The UC minimum is 3 but 4 years is STRONGLY preferred, especially at the more selective UC's like UCSD, UCLA and UCB. For some majors, it is required. So, if you want to preserve your chances at those schools, you need to make up that grade if you will not have at least three years of math.</p>

<p>I'd suggest you go to <a href="http://www.ucop.edu/pathways%5B/url%5D"&gt;www.ucop.edu/pathways&lt;/a> and take a close look at the UC a-g requirements and the information about how the UC's will compute your GPA. If those C's are in required classes, you may have a problem meeting the UC minimum GPA which will be rising to 3.0 next year. So, computer your UC GPA and see where you stand.</p>

<p>If your UC GPA is very low, or you are unable to make up that class to meet requirements, you may want to think about going to a community college and then transferring into one of the UC's after two years if you really want the UC name on your diploma.</p>

<p>As for the other schools on your list, they will not be happy to see several C's and an F on your transcript. Period. Re-taking the failing class over the summer will, however, help a bit, but it is unlikely to overcome a weak overall transcript. It doesn't mean you shouldn't apply to Brown,etc. but realistically, these lottery schools are going to be even more of a long shot for you. </p>

<p>Not to worry, there are still many other fish in the sea - Start looking for some other more realistic four year schools NOW to add to your list where you can be happy and do well. There's a huge gap between these schools and a community college with many wonderful options in between. Best of luck!</p>

<p>Have your parents read through the threads that show what it took to get into UCSD this year. Just do your best and apply to safety schools as well.</p>

<p>Good idea Zagat. It would also be VERY useful for his parents to go to the site I mentioned above and read through the UC admissions requirements carefully so they understand his options and chances.</p>

<p>Here is a more direct link:</p>

<p><a href="http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/admissions/undergrad_adm/paths_to_adm/freshman.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>As you can see, there is the option of getting admitted by testing - so if you do very, very well on the SAT I and the SAT II's you could get in that way. I am assuming that you will not qualify for admission based on being in the top 12% of your class.</p>

<p>Need to correct something I said above: if you retake the failing class and get a C or higher, the F will NOT be counted in your UC GPA.</p>

<p>thank you all for your help</p>

you can make it up with a non-AP class in the same subject area - your goal is to make sure you meet all of the UC requirements and that can be done either through AP or regular classes


<p>ok, so since i failed AP calculus, if i retook regular calculus over the summer, the grade i get in the summer would make up for the F? unfortunately my high school and all the local colleges here do not have an AP calc class for over the summer...</p>

<p>i dont know about the uc gpa but my high school academic gpa is 3.6, and i think i can do better on the sat by about 100-200 points. i also have about 200 volunteer hours at the local children's hospital so i dont know how much that would count...</p>

<p>thanks for your optimism, carolyn especially.. i'm getting better grades this semester but i'm not expecting much. gotta live realistically...</p>

<p>Community college Calculus I will be fine to substitute for AP Calculus. Doesn't necessarily need to be AP Calculus.</p>

<p>i asked my high school counseler and he said that retaking regular calculus over the summer wouldnt replace the score... should i believe him or just assume its the high school trying to be niggardly again since they get more money if students take more classes?</p>