If I got singer invite, do I automatically get 24k?

<p>I got invited to singer's weekend today, but have not yet gotten an official acceptance or any scholarship notification. If I don't get the singer, am I very likely or guaranteed to get the 24k one?
Has anybody been invited to singer and gotten less than 24k?
how many 24ks do they give out?
Only 350 ppl attend the weekend, so at max 1,000 are invited. If there are more 24k scholarships than 1,000 and they only invite the best candidates for singer, then all singer invites are extremely likely to get 24k.
congrats to everyone can't wait for Miami sun!</p>

<p>You get the invitation to Singer weekend via email, then a couple days later you’ll receive a large envelope in snail mail which will include your official acceptance letter and a certificate (suitable for framing) showing the University Scholarship award. Big green seal, can’t miss it…</p>

<p>If you are invited to a Singer weekend, you are guaranteed the 24k University Scholarship. Nobody who attends the weekend has less than the 24k. If you attend the weekend and do well in the interview and get the Singer, then your tuition is free, so basically the scholarship increases from 24k to 38k+. Well worth the attempt!</p>

<p>Not sure where you’re getting your statistics. There are a total of about 360 people invited to the 3 Singer weekends (first one was for Stamps/Singer candidates and was held on 2/25-26 - I attended that with my daughter). About 120 each weekend. In the info session, admissions folks said that they usually offer Singers to between 25 and 35 % of the students attending. Last year a total of 54 students enrolled with the Singer.</p>

<p>In addition, to those that attend the weekend, there is a chance you’ll be offered a Gables Scholarship (extra $2000 or $4000 per year) and also possibly be invited to join the Foote Fellows program.</p>
