If I made a mistake...

<p>... in reporting last year's income on the CSS Profile, do I have to send the college's a correction or will they simply cross-check it with the tax returns I send and correct it themselves?</p>

<p>I'm an international student and this process is pretty overwhelming. I completed the CSS Profile with an accountant but once I got home and reviewed the figures for the income, they don't really seem to add up and there's definitely a mistake somewhere in there and it's too late to call him up now. Also, the tax returns themselves are way too complicated for me and my dad.</p>

<p>I'll definitely try to find out the mistake ASAP, but if I send the form as it is, could I be accused of fraud (even though I am sending the tax returns)? I'm sorry if this is a dumb question, it's just really got me worried. D:</p>

<p>If you haven’t submitted the Profile yet, try to find and correct any errors before you do. If you have already submitted, you need to ask each school how they want you to proceed regarding corrections. You will still need to figure out where the error is in the Profile.</p>

<p>If the difference is not big, don’t worry about it. For the most part on the CSS profile, it ask you to estimate the numbers for 2013 income based on 2012 or pay stubs.</p>