<p>I sent them an email on Tuesday and requested a change regarding my major. I want to change my intended my major. However, I haven't received any response yet. I'm worried that they didn't look at my email at all. Should I make a phone call to make sure if a change was made?</p>
<p>You could make a phone call just in case, but I would maybe wait a few days. It IS a Sunday.</p>
<p>NYU was also closed on Friday because of snow.</p>
<p>which email did you use?</p>
<p>NYU’s admission office’s email.</p>
<p>Never email about a change if major. I DOUBT they will change it based on a simple email, ie. hacked email account, etc. Always call and even record the conversation in order to make it official.</p>
<p>Thats like emailing and saying you have my wrong SSN number…</p>