If I take a course at community college and choose not to report it in UC applications, will UC's be able to find out

I only did 1 course in community college. I dont want to report it in my college applications. I wanted to know if UC’s have access to the courses i took at community college even if i dont report it.

Same question applies Csu’s

You should assume the answer is not if they will find out, but when.


Be honest. If the colleges require transcripts from ALL previous college courses…then that’s what you need to provide.

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There is a National Clearing house that will have your college records so be honest and report the one class.

UC Statement of Academic Integrity is listed below. If you fill out the application and submit, you are required to adhere to these principles.

We remind applicants that all information must be complete, accurate, and their own work. Failure to submit accurate information will jeopardize consideration for admission to UC for the current or any future terms. Students found to have falsified application information will be subject to penalties up to and including denial of admission, withdrawal of an admission offer, registration cancellation, expulsion, or revocation of a University of California degree.
Falsified application information may include but is not limited to: making inaccurate statements on the application, withholding information requested on the application, giving false information, or submitting fraudulent or falsified documents in support of an admissions application.
Academic History
Self-reported courses and grades must reflect official records and must include
• dates of attendance at every school/college/university
• titles of all courses and examinations completed, including original and repeated
• grades/marks/scores received, including original and repeated
• credits, hours or units earned
• any diploma or degree received


Doesn’t it say on the application to list all courses taken, whether that’s in high school or community college? It’s a good rule to follow instructions.

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You are required to disclose and yes they can check the clearinghouse data.

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Don’t exclude it. List every course regardless of the grade.

They might not find out right away but they will find out. [Speaking from personal experience, my close friend Leslie lost her roommate this way. Her roommate was “personally” escorted to the registrar, and Security “waited” while she packed. Apparently they contacted her parents. The parents were advised that they could have their money prorated and refunded if they filed a claim.]

It’s not that they just expel you, it’s that it seems vindictive.

They flag your file at the clearinghouse. That means you can’t go to any university, anywhere or you’ll have to work hard to convince one that you’re not going to “cheat, “lie”, or “omit” anything in their college.
Any other school, that uses the clearinghouse, and almost all of them do, can look up your record.
If you’re on financial aid, and you’ve used a year or two of tuition and room and board, they will charge you that money to repay the school or government.

It’s just not worth it.

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