If I take classes at a community college, does this count for medical school?

<p>Hi all,</p>

<p>I'm planning to major in Biochemistry and want to take Life Science 1 (actually the equivalent of this course. I checked assist). </p>

<p>For medical school, they want the students to take a year of Biology in college. </p>

<p>If I take this class in the summer before my freshmen year, then does this count as part of the year? </p>

<p>Hopefully this made sense. Any help would be appreciated (:</p>

<p>BUMP! anyone know? please help!</p>

<p>depends on the medical school, but i think most accept CC courses.</p>

<p>but you will have to take LS2, LS3, LS4 anyways, which will be a year (3 quarters) of bio.</p>

<p>Oh, you’re right. Thanks a lot man!</p>

<p>The short answer is yes, but they may hold it against you if it’s a required med school science course. Competition for med school admissions is fierce, so anything out of the ordinary will raise an eyebrow. Med schools prefer that you take the sciences during the regular academic year with a full load of classes.</p>

<p>btw: check out the med school thread on cc.</p>

<p>^ what he said</p>

<p>But yes, it will count. It would even have counted if you took it at a CC as a freshman in high school. Any courses you take at an accredited college (community college or not) must be reported on your med school applications.</p>