If I want to apply to transfer

<p>SO I was waitlisted and then rejected from this wonderful school. What I want to know is what successful transfers have done in order to be accepted. Say I earn a 4.0 GPA from UCLA my freshman year, and I am doing Honors and PEERS[a research program] and am involved in some EC, then am I an eligible applicant? When is the best time for me to apply, my first quarter of freshman year-as in now and in the fall, or the summer prior to my sophomore year[since i won't get a response until the spring....]?????</p>

<p>*btw i know transfer admit rate is dreadfully low, but people have been accepted !!
a thousand thank yous ahead of time ^-^</p>


<p>any more info than this [Transfer</a> Requirements & Process : Stanford University](<a href=“Page Not Found : Stanford University”>Transfer Applicants : Stanford University) ?</p>

<p>sorry to say, most transfers to stanford are from community college…so your chances are even lower than what is stated. All you can hope is to give it your best shot though… i would say definitely do not try to transfer in first quarter of freshman year, i dont think transfer committees like it when students don’t even give the appearance of trying to like their school.</p>

<p>ok thanks i think i will apply after my first year at ucla, this time next year. out of curiousity are you an incoming freshman at stanford? if so, what were your stats…</p>

<p>yeah im a rising freshman…my stats are probably on the thread if you dig through it…good luck applying next year! UCLA is a great school though, so really really try to like it and forget about stanford… one of my good friends is going there.</p>

<p>wow i’m a bit jealous, congrats on all your success and good luck in the future</p>