If I were to be a full time student, and I have to work, what should be my limit?

Hi, I’m currently a student employee at my CC, and I’ve been here for a while and know how busy and how slow it can get here. I need to take 12 units in the spring in order to finish my ASSIST coursework (classes would be economics, two political sciences, and a history class), and I also know I generally take longer to finish assignments than my peers, probably thanks in part to my ADHD and a learning disability. I was wondering if anyone else had been in a similar situation, and would have an idea of how many hours is too much? Or how many hours is a good sweet spot with enough time for homework (and getting at least 5 hours of sleep a night would be nice)/

I know I’d need to check with my supervisor if there’s a minimum of how many hours I need to work, but I want to work still before I transfer as there’s a chance once I get to a 4 year I won’t be able to work since I’ll need to take 12 units (preferably more) per quarter.

Sorry if this is in the wrong category, it’s my first time posting here.

Usually 10 hours a week is considered a reasonable, manageable load for a kid with no learning issues taking a full-time course load. So you might take that as an initial maximum, then calibrate from there.

Yeah, I was thinking 10 hours would work out nicely too, that seems to be a good amount. Plus I have the the weekends as well, and I’m only called to work an occasional Saturday once a month, but I’ll still need that time for my homework.

My first two semesters here I took 12 units, but that was before I got my job. Since then I’ve had anywhere between 6, 7 and 11 units with the 1 unit class being a fast track career class and the other a dance class, but I failed one of my classes and didn’t get an A for the other like I was hoping. So I want to be sure not to repeat that.

Thanks for the comment :slight_smile: