If my class rank is not applicable, how do my counselor fill in the CA form?

<p>Since I am from China, not many kids are planning to go abroad. My inexperienced counselor helped one kid send his CA form via mail and me online, using a different e-mail address. (will that be a problem by the way?) However, our school's class rank is not applicable, which is fine when filling in the actual form but not OK when trying to fill in the form online. She told me that she couldn't type in letters; only numbers are allowed. As mentioned above, she is not experienced in this so she let me go online for help. Have you guys ever run into a situation like this? How do I solve it?</p>

<p>So sad that no one has replied. The ED deadline is approaching and I am really anxious. Please someone help me…</p>

<p>Hi Samson Liu,
Perhaps no one has answered because they may not know the answer. Generally students (and parents) do not see the counselor’s forms or documents. They are sent blindly without the student seeing them, at least in our case. However, there was a question about rank in my son’s Common App that he filled in. It asked for rank - we don’t have one - but he was told his decile ranking by his counselor and was able to put that 10th decile (top 10%) in the box.
As for using a different email address…where did she get the address? Was it provided by Common App? There is a 'Knowledgebase" in the app that may help with this.</p>

<p>Some high schools do not rank, but I don’t know how they fill out the form. leave it blank or write N/A???</p>

<p>Thank you very much! Our counselor just told me in about 10:30 (since tomorrow I am heading over Hong Kong for my SAT subject tests, she has been overworking, studying it all night. What a great teacher!), that she has found how to avoid filling in the class rank. I guess she just put in ‘decile’ like you did. Thanks anyway! Hope your son enter a top college!</p>