If only I were the typical CC student...

<p>Is the tense of my title even correct? haha.
Well I'm an average student who is considering but not poistive about engineering (civil). I've already started looking at colleges but i'm not sure what range I should be looking at. I think I'd prefer a larger school but I'm pretty sure I dont have the grades or scores for publics like UIUC, UW-Madison, etc. As I said, I'm also not positive about engineering and want a school where my options will be left open. So basically any ideas of some schools that may be in my range, plus reaches? There are no specific characteristics the school HAS to have, I'm just looking for a starting point. Oh, and so far of the schools I've visited, I loved VA Tech. Not sure if that helps any though.</p>

<p>female, NC
GPA: ~3.6 W
SAT: 2040 (690CR 690M 660W) retaking
few ECs, two or three that will be worth mentioning
only 1 AP this year, 4 next year.</p>

<p>The title of your post correctly uses the subjunctive, so you’re smarter than you realize!</p>

<p>Your scores are good, especially if you raise them with a retake. The GPA is a bit more troublesome, especially weighted. Can you tell us more about your grades (ie., is it a bunch of Bs, or are there Cs in there too? How are your math and science grades?)</p>

<p>I get a mix of As and Bs with an occasional C. Oh, and our grading scale is 100-93 A, 92-85 B, 84-78? C if that matters.</p>

<p>Math and science are what I like most, and have gotten mostly As in them throughout high school. Except right now where my math teacher refuses to give As haha.</p>

<p>4bcd3f, I am also planning on majoring in civil engineering, look at Purdue, Virginia Tech and Clemson for civil engineering programs that aren’t that hard to get into (I’m going to Clemson next year so that’s my personal preference hehe)</p>

<p>you could easily get into UIUC and UW madison.</p>



<p>Agreed. I was told by my ENGLISH TEACHER that no one cares about using the subjunctive correctly anymore. Look, my grammar is far from perfect (you could probably find at least one error in this little post), but at least I don’t give up and write elements of grammar off as obsolete!</p>

<p>Anyways, the OP wants large schools with a lot of majors. S/he likes VTech, so s/he must not mind schools in the middle of nowhere. Have you looked at Penn State?</p>

<p>Why would you want to pay OOS tuition? NC State is perfectly good in engineering and a heck of a lot cheaper. :confused:</p>

<p>Why aren’t you looking at UNC?</p>

<p>I have looked at Penn State. But the costs concern me. Actually, I guess this is a reason that I’m unsure about public schools in general, even though they are what I think I would like best. So I’m going to add to this…
I need a school that offers decent aid.</p>

<p>I will look at/apply to State just because it’s what’s expected of me haha but I am seriously doubting I would be accepted and would also prefer to go farther away if at all possible.</p>

<p>Chapel Hill doesn’t interest me, I highly doubt I would have a chance at admission, and does not offer engineering(that I am aware of?).</p>

<p>UNC-Chapel Hill doesn’t offer engineering…NC State is a great school</p>

<p>Shempi, it is easy overall to get into Illinois (I don’t think the OP should look at Wisconsin as a “likely” school, more of a reach), but engineering is basically impossible to get into at Illinois without an A average.</p>

<p>I think you have a shot at NCSU engineering. UNC-Charlotte has a large enginering program if you want to stay instate. ECU has a fairly new engineering program but it is systems engineering not Civil. UNC Asheville has a 2+2 program with NCSU engineering. UNCA for two years then transfer to NCSU. </p>

<p>Clemson has already been mentioned but Univ. of South Carolina also has an engineering sch. and with your SAT score you would prob. be offered merit money that would bring the cost down to instate tuition (although instate tuition in SC is still higher than instate in NC).</p>

<p>How about adding Michigan State and Iowa to that list, if you’re looking at bigger schools with lots of majors? I think you’re in good shape for a lot of the schools mentioned previously as well.</p>

<p>I’ve looked at some of the schools mentioned (Clemson, USC, Penn State, UNCC, etc) so it’s good to know I have a shot at some. I’ll check out the others mentioned.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help and more suggestions are welcome, especially more in the Northeast/Midwest!</p>

<p>The northeast could be a problem since there are not may large and good engineering schools other than the ivies</p>

<p>Here’s one more school that I’m shocked nobody has mentioned yet: PURDUE UNIVERSITY (ranked #6 this year for civil engineering and consistently among the top 10 schools for engineering)</p>

<p>I don’t think Wisconsin is quite a reach, but the GPA is a little low. </p>

<p>I’d recommend Minnesota - Twin Cities.</p>

<p>How about Rensselaer Polytechnic, Rochester Institute of Technology or Worcester Polytechnic?</p>

<p>note that the OP would like to go to a large school, RPI is a very good engineering school but it isn’t very big.</p>

<p>I’ve considered RPI and similar schools but I’m weary of them since I am not positive I want to go into engineering. It seems as though the majors are more limited…am I correct in assuming this?</p>

<p>well nowadays engineering majors are starting to get involved in the environmental movement so I can see some crossed paths between biology/environmental science with maybe biosystems/environmental/chemical/civil engineering, also many engineers who go into management study business too so the two are somewhat interchangeable.</p>

<p>However, do note that it is easier to switch from engineering into almost every major than to switch into engineering which can be very difficult to do.</p>