If you applied EA do you find out on Dec 15 or by Dec 15?

<p>I heard that some people receive their decision a couple of days earlier by email/online. Is this true?
Also, in what type of envelope do they send their decisions in?</p>

<p>You’ll find out whenever the admissions office wants you to find out. It could be a few days before December 15, it could be on December 15, it could be a few days after. When I applied (fall 2006), I got my admissions letter on December 18 (by e-mail). I think last year, the applicants got their letters a few days before the 15th.</p>

<p>Will they email you to say if you’re rejected as well?</p>

<p>I don’t know exactly how they do it these days, but I believe that last year, you logged on to the University of Chicago Uncommon Application website to get your decision. And yes, if you were rejected, you would probably see a rejection letter on the website.</p>

<p>Last year they did not announce until they were ready – before 12/15, though. S got an email with a link to the Uncommon App website, entered his p/w and found out.</p>

<p>Yeah, last year I just randomly, out-of-the-blue got an email from UChicago on ~December 10 saying that decisions were on the website; I then had to go to the Uncommon Application site to see my decision. I also know that UChicago sent out those emails in waves so that they wouldn’t have lots of people flooding the site all at once. =]</p>

<p>I kind of prefer this method because then you aren’t nervously anticipating a certain date/time for weeks beforehand. You just get the decision when you get it; that really decreased my stress level.</p>

That’s the right date – it was the Tuesday before MIT released decisions. If any of you propsies are cross-applying to Chicago and MIT, MIT always releases decisions on the Saturday closest to 12/15.</p>

<p>I got mine online on the 15th, but I hadn’t been checking much anyway.
I got deferred :frowning: but they did post the letter online and I got one in the mail today.
Good luck!</p>