If you are an accounting B.S. with a weak GPA, and are getting interviews....

<p>Never, I’m currently still in the accounting industry.</p>

<p>My least favorite ■■■■■ actually makes a valid point about experience. All the accounting people that come to recruit (for females, can’t comment on males) have been above average looks-wise. Maybe not models, but good-looking people. That can’t be a coincidnce and clearly, that must factor in subconciously. </p>

<p>My guess is that the Big 4 likes certain types and hires those. From my limited experience, they seem to like either super academic people with 3.7+ grades and excellent technicals, or less academic but good softs (yes appearance counts as a soft) as well, and then a few mids that are above average in both areas. </p>

<p>Just my $0.02, but I do think that the constant GPA is king mantra is a bit overrated. If you want Big 4, my advice is to either be excellent academically or have great softs. The people somewhere in between seem to be the ones that get shafted.</p>

<p>In that last post, first sentence I meant to say appearance not experience.</p>