If you are from other states, how often do you go back when there is a long break?

<p>I live in New York, but I don't know how often I can go back to NY if I attend USC? Do I go home only if there is a long break like Mid-winter break?</p>

<p>Take the time off to travel the left half of the US, Asia, wherever, if you don’t go home.
Also, you can accept friends’ invitations to spend school days off/weekends with their families and reciprocate when they travel to NY.</p>

<p>You “can” go back as often as you would like - if you want to fly home every weekend, USC would not try to stop you. The cost of airfare, however, often means students can’t *afford *to go home other than over winter break.</p>

<p>I wish my son would come home more often! He has come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas break both freshman and sophomore years, but has elected to stay in California for spring breaks. Too many adventures to be had. But some kids with further to travel go home more often, so it’s really dependent on the individual situation.</p>

<p>We are from Minnesota and son is a freshman at USC. He has come home Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring breaks. It is ~$300 roundtrip for each visit. So far we have been able to swing it. He has a girlfriend in Minnesota or maybe we wouldn’t see him spring break :)</p>

<p>Does USC allow the students to stay at USC if there is a longgggg break like the spring break?</p>

<p>if you live in dorms you must leave your housing during winter and summer breaks. dorms remain open for thanksgiving and spring break.</p>

<p>if you live in university-owned apartments you are free to stay for winter break. summer break is the only time you may not stay in the apartment.</p>

<p>if you live in non-university housing it’s whatever is written in your contract, but typically leases run for 1 year.</p>