If you chance me, I will chance you

<p>9th grade:
Honors Biology: B/B
Spanish I (honors not available): B/B
Honors U.S History: A/A
Honors English I: A/A
Inner Man-Spirituality (required; no honors available): B/B
Algebra I (honors not available): B/B </p>

<p>10th grade:
Honors Chemistry: B/A
Spanish II (honors not available): A/A
Honors World History: A/A
Honors English II: A/A
Faith & Tradition/Prayer & Spirituality (required; honors not available): A/A
Geometry: B/A </p>

<p>11th grade:
Honors Physics: A/A
Honors Spanish IV: A/A
AP European History: A/A, 5
Honors English III: A/A
World Religions (required; honors not available): A/A
Algebra II: A/A</p>

AP Chemistry: A/A, 4
AP Spanish Language: A/A, 5
AP U.S Government & Politics: A/A, 5
AP English Literature & Composition: A/A, 5<br>
Peace & Justice: A/A
AP Art History: A/A, 5
Honors Pre-Calculus: A/A </p>

Sports: Water Polo (3 years), Swimming (4 years [Varsity - 2 years]), Varsity Soccer (2 years), Varsity Softball (3 years), Junior Varsity Volleyball (1 year, despised it.)
Clubs: Astronomy club (president, 3 years), Science Olympiads (3 years, president), National Honor Society (3 years), Spanish National Honor Society (president), Key Club, Science National Honor Society, Future Veterinarians of America (founder & president)
Other: Classical piano (4 years), Fingerstyle guitar (composer, 10 years), I am a musical prodigy (not joking), Writer's workshop
Research: Electromagnetism, Aquatic med, Veterinary assistant, Arctic Biology</p>

<p>Total APs offered: 8; Total APs taken: 7 (self-studied one of them; USH, 5)</p>

AP Scholar with Distinction
National Merit Finalist</p>

<p>SAT: 2210
- Chemistry: 740
- Literature: 800
- Spanish: 800
- U.S History: 760 </p>

<p>Chances for UPenn (ED), Cornell, Dartmouth, Princeton, and NYU?</p>

<p>Youre a female. That alone may greatly increase your chances in some fields. What’s youre concentration? If its engineering you stand a good chance.</p>

<p>questionsg - I am going into pre-vet, or maybe pre-law. Do you think that I stand a good chance in either of those fields?</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance at all of them. Penn maybe a bit of a reach but applying Ed will defintely help. Your sat scores really help you for all of these.
Please Chance Me Back!!! Thanks.</p>

<p>Btw I speak Spanish, Danish (Greenlandic), French, and I can read in Latin.
Also, I forgot to add that I am a diver for the Florida Aquarium, and in 10th grade I was a junior educator for the Clearwater Aquarium.</p>

<p>School: Elite Catholic school
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F</p>

<p>You’re certainly in good position. UPenn is a mild reach but I think you have given yourself at least a decent shot. I think you could be a reach at the Ivies, just because it is so competitive but I definitely see you getting in at least a few. Good luck! Chance back at <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1201569-chances-senior-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1201569-chances-senior-will-chance-back.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Well these are all highly competitive schools and you will be competing against all of the typical 2400 kids with tons of EC’s. Your SAT scores are match to reach. The successful AP courses will be helpful though. Your EC’s are also very numerous and diverse. This is good because it shows you are well rounded. The research is a nice touch! Nice SAT II scores as well. For Penn ED I think you are a match since less people apply. Honestly I think you are a match to mid reach for these schools and will come down to essays, interviews, and recs. Good Luck!</p>

<p>Please chance me at: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233618-chance-me-i-chance-back-please-drexel-swarthmore-bu-bsmd.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233618-chance-me-i-chance-back-please-drexel-swarthmore-bu-bsmd.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>In those fields, women are not a minority as you probably know. Still, your transcript is pretty good. </p>

<p>Penn: reach
Dartmouth: reach
Princeton: reach
Cornell: low reach
NYU: target</p>

<p>Youll need good essays and a good hook. Good luck!</p>

<p>BTW, heres my thread so chance me: <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233558-my-story-will-my-dream-schools-understand.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233558-my-story-will-my-dream-schools-understand.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>"…you will be competing against all of the typical 2400 kids with tons of EC’s."</p>

<p>and they reject those kids all the time. Tons of ECs means nothing at all if they’re ECs that the subject doesn’t care about. Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity. I pursue ECs that I am interested in. I love the Antarctic/Arctic so I learned how to speak Danish in 7th grade; and in high school, I researched Arctic Biology. In 10th grade, I discovered my love for Electromagnetism when we began to learn about spectral lines. The summer going into 10th, after seeing a dolphin show at the aquarium, I wanted to learn everything I could get my hands on regarding Aquatic medicine and Marine biology. Now I’m a diver and work with dolphins all the time. </p>

<p>These ECs aren’t a bunch of BS that I’m doing to impress the adcoms. I actually truly love each and every one of them. I don’t participate in activities I don’t enjoy; notice how I dropped Volleyball after one season. </p>

<p>But thanks for chancing, anyway. I appreciate your insight!</p>

<p>questionsg - man, I thought my chances would be at least a little higher than what you said! Especially for Cornell! but I guess the ivies are reaches for anyone. </p>

<p>guess I’m just asking this to calm my nerves. sorry if I seem a bit snippy.</p>

<p>Your upward trend in grades looks really nice.
ECs seem scattered, but since you sincerely loved them, I guess it’s about
conveying your passion in your essays, etc…
Btw Which department of Penn are you applying?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233760-any-last-advice.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1233760-any-last-advice.html&lt;/a&gt;
Any advice would be appreciated.</p>

<p>Nyu you are defintely in. Princeton I would think so but you never really can know for sure and applying to penn Ed will defintely increase your chances. I think you have a really good chance there.
Please chance me back! Thanks so much and good luck</p>

<p>chanceme12 - I thought I did chance you back? and thanks</p>

<p>UrbanNight - thanks, I am most likely applying to Penn ILE (institute for law and economics.) and then pursuing my degree in international law.</p>

<p>Oops hold on: </p>

<p>10th grade:
Honors Chemistry: B/A
Spanish II (honors not available): A/A
Honors World History: A/A
Honors English II: A/A
Faith & Tradition/Prayer & Spirituality (required; honors not available): A/A
Weight Training/Psychology: A/A
Geometry: B/A </p>

<p>11th grade:
Honors Physics: A/A
Honors Spanish IV: A/A
AP European History: A/A, 5
Honors English III: A/A
World Religions (required; honors not available): A/A
Health/Speech: A/A
Algebra II: A/A</p>

AP Chemistry: A/A, 4
AP Spanish Language: A/A, 5
AP U.S Government & Politics/Honors Economics: A/A, 5
AP English Literature & Composition: A/A, 5
Peace & Justice: A/A
AP Art History: A/A, 5
Honors Pre-Calculus: A/A </p>

<p>There we go. That’s better.</p>

<p>Hey, I think you have as decent a shot as anyone at all those ivies, but I sure hope you have more safeties and targets than you posted because, as you stated, even people with 2400s and perfect gpas get rejected. </p>

<p>And believe me, you have a right to be ‘snippy’ . I know I am with people telling me Ill have trouble getting into Ann Arbor! Haha good luck though. I think youll do well.</p>

<p>"Hey, I think you have as decent a shot as anyone at all those ivies, but I sure hope you have more safeties and targets than you posted because, as you stated, even people with 2400s and perfect gpas get rejected. </p>

<p>And believe me, you have a right to be ‘snippy’ . I know I am with people telling me Ill have trouble getting into Ann Arbor! Haha good luck though. I think youll do well."</p>

<p>Haha, yeah it’s really frustrating! I do have more safeties! I’m looking at the University of Vermont, U of New Hampshire, UConn, and UMass. Anyone have any insight on any of those? </p>

<p>I’m having a really hard time deciding on my career though. I can’t pick between pre-law and pre-vet. Which one would you guys say my transcript would appeal to? Even though I loved Chem, I struggled in that class A LOT in 10th. At the beginning of each quarter in the first semester I had a C and struggled like CRAZY to get it up to a B. Math has never been my thing. But I do love aspects of science. </p>

<p>My true loves though, include writing, history and foreign languages. I have a feeling that I am a better applicant for pre-law… </p>

<p>Any insight? </p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>