If you commit to an EA school, are you required to withdraw other outstanding applications?

D24 is thinking about adding a RD school to her list. It’s a bit of a reach, but she previously visited and is curious whether she would be admitted. It is not her top choice.

If she wants to commit to a school where she is accepted by December, would she be required to withdraw any outstanding applications? Or if she hadn’t finished her RD app, does that mean she shouldn’t complete it?

She knows with ED, you have to withdraw other applications. She’s wondering if committing early is the same sort of deal.

If she isn’t sure, there is NO need for her to commit to an early action or rolling admissions admission before May 1.

Just wait. Give her the time to make up her mind.


Does the EA school give you any advantage of committing before May 1? Like housing priority? If not, you can wait to commit.

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Why would she want to commit in December?
Even if the EA school needs some sort of housing deposit it typically won’t be till March or so. She can wait till then.


I think, to answer your question, you can commit.

You are not bound.

If you change your mind and many do, you’ll likely lose your deposit.

It’s not the same as ED - there’s no formal instruction to withdrawal - but you shouldn’t commit to two schools. So if you decide later the other school is now where you want to be, you’d accept and then withdraw from the other that you previously committed.

So you are fine to do what you described.


Thank you!! That’s what I was thinking. She’s dropped most schools from her list, but this one has no supplemental essays or application fee, so she wanted to just see.

But she’s very happy with her acceptance in hand. I’ve told her to wait until she goes to an admitted students day, and then it’s time to buy the merch and put down a deposit if she’s really ready.

:100: only committed to one school at a time. No worries there.

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In some ways it’s great that she is good to go. The pressure is off.

On the other hand, kids do change - even ED kids - so at least you don’t have that.

Many kids have a - can i get in school. I did in the 80s - I wanted to see if I could get into a UC with my 2.8. And I did :slight_smile:

It’s fine.

It’s nice to be basically done.

Congrats to her.

Thank you! We didn’t expect to be here already, and it feels really good. Just tying up loose ends now (and warding off senioritis!).

Good for you, re: UC!!

If she deposits at an EA school prior to May 1, some people will absolutely tell you she should withdraw other apps. I also don’t understand why she would deposit at an EA school before knowing RD acceptances. I would not tell her HS counselor if she does commit. If she does end up going to the RD school, you will not get the EA deposit back.

Here’s what the Common App says, seems clear:

If you have been accepted Early Action at a college, you do not need to withdraw your application to other colleges unless you have already decided to attend the Early Action college.


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If she commits to an EA school and chooses to attend a RD school she should:
– Notify the EA school that she will not be attending. This should be done in writing (email is OK). Hold on to a copy of the correspondence.
– Then she is free to accept the RD offer.
– You should expect to lose the deposit on the EA school.

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