If you could add one thing to my app...

<p>I'm at a CC and am taking 5 honors classes next semester (overload) Monday through Thursday. I'll be working after school and on Friday. I'm also VP of Student Govt., VP of Honors Program, and a member of the Business Club and Chambers Choir. So basically I know I'll have to make time to do my classwork, but I honestly don't think it'll be that hard. I'd like to add one thing to boost my app in the EC area, where I am considerably weaker. </p>

<p>I'd really like to find something that I could do on a Saturday or Sunday. I was really interested in being a math tutor, but I think they only do that during the week and my schedule is very full then. I was considering community service at the YMCA, but I really would rather not volunteer there. Any other ideas...or maybe something more interesting than community service. </p>

<p>By the way, I have 000000 hours of community service, so that may be the way to go, but I'm interested in something more fulfilling than sports at the Y.</p>

<p>If you are interested in doing some tutoring in math, then I would still check out your local high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools for opportunities. I know in my town, the school system offers a tutor program where high school students can teach k-12 on the weekends, early in the morning, for community service hours. To find out other ideas near where you live, try some volunteer search engines on the web. Other community service places to check out are libraries, animal shelters, old peoples' homes, hospitals, parks, etc. If you're looking for something more interesting than that, ask your parents/relatives/teachers for some ideas on shadowing or helping people.</p>

<p>thanks saintpaul I'll definitely check into the high school or middle school thing.</p>