<p>I'm at a CC and am taking 5 honors classes next semester (overload) Monday through Thursday. I'll be working after school and on Friday. I'm also VP of Student Govt., VP of Honors Program, and a member of the Business Club and Chambers Choir. So basically I know I'll have to make time to do my classwork, but I honestly don't think it'll be that hard. I'd like to add one thing to boost my app in the EC area, where I am considerably weaker. </p>
<p>I'd really like to find something that I could do on a Saturday or Sunday. I was really interested in being a math tutor, but I think they only do that during the week and my schedule is very full then. I was considering community service at the YMCA, but I really would rather not volunteer there. Any other ideas...or maybe something more interesting than community service. </p>
<p>By the way, I have 000000 hours of community service, so that may be the way to go, but I'm interested in something more fulfilling than sports at the Y.</p>