<p>CR: 32
M: 10
W: 27</p>
<p>I personally think that SAT's CR does not reflect my reading skill very well.</p>
<p>CR: 32
M: 10
W: 27</p>
<p>I personally think that SAT's CR does not reflect my reading skill very well.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 33
Writing: 27</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 34
Writing: 27</p>
<p>I actually like the writing section even though I do bad on CR.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 34
Writing: 27</p>
<p>math sucks. and i really should have scored higher because i'm good at math, damnit! and i agree with fred, they MUST remove that essay! 25 minutes pfff. the cr is not great either. why the hell are you doing what's basically eng lit in MULTIPLE CHOICE? uihweujhnbwiuj4ef!!</p>
<p>i hate the entire exam!</p>
<p>It looks like the SAT should just be 1 test, Math. I wouldn't care. I got 710 on it and that was my highest score of the 3 sections.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 34
Writing: 28</p>
<p>I hate writing sooo much. Stupid essay. 1600 (M+CR) is wayy better than a 2300 >=(</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 35
Writing: 28</p>
<p>Subjective and ambiguous responses. How can someone read critically if one has to think about what CB wants to hear rather than about what your opinion is?</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 35
Writing: 28</p>
<p>all i have to say is **** math</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 35
Writing: 28</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 36
Writing: 28</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 37
Writing: 28</p>
<p>My lowest score by 50 pts.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 38
Writing: 28</p>
<p>CR score was 80 points lower than others...</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 38
Math: 13
Writing: 29</p>
<p>The Essay is a bloody joke, and has virtually no merit, especially in light of the Perelman study. If you want people to write, let them have some space and some time, like 2 hours and 5 or six pages on which he or she can develop an argument.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 39
Math: 13
Writing: 29</p>
<p>I hate the CR section,, its the death of me and theres no possible way to study, unless you read the dictionary and that still doesnt help you on the passage-reading portion...its dumb overall, and not to mention hard!</p>
<p>i Hate CR with a passion. 80 points lower than my 720 WR 730 math!!! ruined pretty much all my chances.</p>
<p>and even after i learned 3000 words, my score went down rofl. i dunno what to say.</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 39
Math: 14
Writing: 29</p>
<p>The critical reading and writing were actually quite pleasant.
The math, not so much.</p>
<p>CR: 31
M: 10
W: 24</p>
<p>DEFINITELY CR.....I mean....it just doesn't make sense to me. It seems so EASY, but then I get the answers wrong - and then when I find out the real answers, I'm like, "NO.....MINE IS RIGHT!! STUPID TEST!!" XD</p>
<p>Seriously though, if my Reading "skills" are good enough to land me an 80 on the PSAT and 36 on the ACT (both perfect scores, for each of those sections), then why a 650 on the SAT...? o.O Dude. Maybe it's just me, but there's something wrong there.</p>
<p>Whoops, sorry, typo (or actually, I think I was accidentally looking at the poll results from page 6 of the thread) - should be:</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 41
Math: 14
Writing: 29</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 41
Math: 15
Writing: 29</p>
<p>Critical Reading: 42
Math: 15
Writing: 29</p>
<p>HATE CR. Was always my worst section, and on the real test it was the only section that kept me from getting a 2400, by 20 points :( But still, I'm not complaining too much.</p>