If you could make any single course mandatory for all public high school students...

<p>what would it be?</p>

<p>I for one would want to create a course that would teach all the basics of first aid and emergency medicine, sort of like a turbo-charged health class with an increased emphasis on the practical side of things. Maybe have one of the goals be that every student gets red cross certified for first aid and cpr, or something along those lines, among other things.</p>

<p>I would also love for all students to take a basic philosophy course, though hopefully it would only be taught by competent teachers (grrr, poor philosophy teachers are horrrrrible!). It'd touch upon all the branches and maybe overlap a bit with our current forensics courses in the teaching of the fallacies and whatnot but it would have far greater depth and breadth...</p>

<p>Something financially practical that teaches kids about saving, spending, stock market, bills, debt, loans, balancing check books, taxes, etc.</p>

<p>The Cardinals freaking lost.</p>

<p>I would make a “personal finances” class mandatory. Too many of us fail at balancing checkbooks.</p>

<p>Grammar and spelling.</p>

<p>It seems very basic, but seeing some of my peer’s writing makes me want to hang myself. They miss capital letters at the beginning of sentences, have billions of runons… The worst I ever saw was a girl who substituted “are” for “our,” as in “are house is burning.” </p>

<p>Philosophy would also be good. Or statistics, so that in class discussions people would no longer believe that an example is proof of anything.</p>

<p>I really like your idea, Moodrets! I agree with that, that could come in great handy.</p>

<p>I think it would be nice if grammar were taught in English classes.</p>

<p>i would make a class to improve knowledge on internet language. ***roflmaownednubhaxorzontehyourpc?</p>

<p>Etiquette .</p>


<p>I think that there should be a class on manners and public behavior so that there arent so many ******* teenagers.</p>

<p>I like the idea of a spelling and grammar course. Kids in my school still do not comprehend the difference between “your” and “you’re.”</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.filehurricane.com/viewerthumbnails/530200830015PM_HandlerCA3OBPG0.jpg[/url]”>http://www.filehurricane.com/viewerthumbnails/530200830015PM_HandlerCA3OBPG0.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>A course called Typing and Writing: Yes, It is Possible to Do Either and Silmultaneously Use Proper Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation!</p>

<p>Or TWYIPDESUPSGC for, er, short. :stuck_out_tongue: Or maybe just Typing and Writing.</p>

<p>PE, without a doubt. fatties need to get some exercise</p>

<p>anyone who chose grammar over emergency medical techniques needs to reexamine their priorities</p>

<p>I thought comparative religions. It’s a class where… You learn about the major religions.
Why? There are SO MANY ignorant people. I think it could be quite an eye-opener for people who haven’t really been exposed to different cultures and rely on the parents for their values. It’d be pretty cool for more people to know that all Muslims aren’t terrorists.</p>



<p>Yeah, because people near me are choking and/or seriously bleeding all the time. Poor grammar is a rarity.</p>

<p>none .</p>

<p>To the Comparitive Religion: Yes, except where I am, freshman year we had to take a “Global Perspective” course. In it we learned about a few major religions. Our teachers were horrible. They got everything screwed up and were biased the entire time. Here that would just amek people more ignorant.</p>

<p>I think a basic computer class should be required (maybe could include finance skills??). Typing speed and proficiency with Microsoft Word are going to be essential in the future for almost all professions.</p>

<p>I have also taken a “World Religions” class at my hs (required). The class was good, but I feel it can only be done with a great teacher and in the right environment (ie people must have open minds and be comfortable with their classmates).</p>



<p>you’re right, teenagers would totally go for the grammar course, it would really change them. you win</p>