If you don't make it into Harvard, don't sweat it [Article]

<p>■■■■, I just missed my one and only chance to say “Leave the gun, take the cannoli.” This is worse than being rejected from Harvard.</p>

<p>^Defo. Otherwise, I would be happily unaddicted to this subforum.</p>

<p>^Yeah, it is pretty nice. I suppose Stanford feels just as good?</p>

<p>^That’s sort of what Yale is for me. My grandfather, also now deceased, apparently picked up baby-me, and was just like “She’ll go to Yale.” Harvard was more of a whim, “Oh, it’s a good school, and the people I know there like it a lot. I’ll apply.”</p>

<p>I saw an episode of the weakest link once(2 yrs. ago) and it was college week(for the show). In the final round of this particular episode, there were two contestants left: a student from Harvard and another from Queens College. And for those of you who don’t know anything about the weakest link, it’s essentially a knowledge game show.
Guess who won?? The student from Queens College.
Epic fail for Harvard!!!</p>

<p>No tears shed on my part!! Iwillbestrongandbrave!!! I don’t care how brutal everything is, I’m not going to let the next couple of rejections bring me down!!:)… anyways I already exasperated all of my tears on Yale in December.</p>

<p>I am so excited for tomorrow, I am certainly, not sleeping tonight. 5 pm could not come any sooner! I’ve been waiting for this day since I was little! </p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone tomorrow, be happy with what you’ve accomplished and remember, experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted. There are be plenty of outstanding oppportunities waiting for you out there, don’t be discouraged by a slight bump in the road.</p>

<p>As the great Leeroy Jenkins once said, “At least I still have chicken.”</p>

<p>I think we should form a coalition, march on Harvard, proudly display printed lists of our hundreds of posts, and demand to be admitted purely based on effort and obsession :D</p>

<p>^ totally agree… haha. we can invite sarah palin and her fellow tea baggers to the event. it would be so totally be in the news</p>

<p>Am I the only one who found the article a tiny bit bizarre? I think it had a great point, but then it went on about “colleges not in the top 25 that are only slightly less good” and included Middlebury, Carleton, and Swarthmore…aren’t those schools all in the top 10 LACs?</p>

<p>When I’m freaking out about things like college admissions…I tend to notice minute details. Hehe.</p>

<p>The point is that education matters not as much if you have a high IQ. Read the Bell Curve. If you look at blacks and whites with the same IQ their incomes are more or less the same(blacks earn 99 % of white’s income in 1990, it’s probably over 100 % by now).</p>

<p>The same goes for education. They compared people on the same IQ(say, 120) and substracted education. They found that all of their test subjects had roughly the same income irregardless of education. Again, it is IQ that is the decider.</p>

<p>I don’t want to say that Ivy League is irrelevant, it’s not. If you have the chance, go. But I think it does more for personal prestige and self-esteem than anything else. And also, of course, contacts.</p>



<p>Well it was written six years ago, and things have changed a bit for many of these schools since then.</p>

<p>Oh okay, I didn’t see the date on the article. Thanks! It just caught my eye.</p>

<p>Bill gates dropped out of Harvard, so yeah it is about what you do, not where you do it</p>