<p>What will you do?</p>
2)Delete my commonapp ID
3)Order Columbia University clothes
4) Scream some more
5)Call everyonee :)
6) Post on CC :D</p>
1) Cry.
2) Do more apps :(</p>
<p>What will you do?</p>
2)Delete my commonapp ID
3)Order Columbia University clothes
4) Scream some more
5)Call everyonee :)
6) Post on CC :D</p>
1) Cry.
2) Do more apps :(</p>
<p>the thing is, if you go to sleep after getting rejected / deferred, you’ll wake up and think it was a dream. then realize it wasn’t. then get depressed again.</p>
<p>hahahahahaha i like you eagsasdf</p>
<p>Rejected/ Defer:
raise one eyebrow, tilt chin upwards, touch right pinkie to the corner of mouth while lips slowly curve up into a smug, knowing smile</p>
not possible</p>
<p>Since I seemed to have picked the wrong one of the double posts…</p>
1: Thanks the gods of blackberry for e-mail access anywhere.
2: Forward e-mail to parents.
3: Start writing thank you letters to all the people who helped me. (Alot of letters)
4: Do homework
1: Curse the gods of blackberry for e-mail access anywhere
2: Think of way to tell parents
3: Work on more college apps
4: Fell thanks for getting into my state school already.
5: Feel bad about the stupid grammar mistake I had in my app
6: Play some MMORPG to null the pain of real life.
7: Sleep to null the pain of real life
8: Rejection only: ask Columbia for input so that I can improve myself</p>
1.I’ll be on phone w/ best friends so Ill scream,
3.Tell Parents
4.Tell Older Brother
5.Tell Everyone
6.Post CC
7.Go 2 Church (to Thank God)
8.Shopping lollzz & CC stuff :D</p>
2.Tell Parents, etc.
3.Do Other Apps.
4.Wait in suffering</p>
scream and do victory laps around the house until i pass out
wake up and scream some more
start telling parents, friends, extended family, etc. etc.
post on CC while i order Columbia hoodies and tell ppl on msn
burn all my college stuff - brochures from other schools, sealed transcripts, those damn manila envelopes, etc etc (il leave my SAT books tho to give to juniors)
email teachers saying that im not gonna have any of my hw done for the next day, and that its fine if they decide to give me a 0
call up some of my best friends and treat them to a nice dinner
print out my accpetance letter, frame it, and hang in on my wall
read it again and start crying
ditch studying for the rest of the year
have an actual Christmas / New Years</p>
<p>Rejected / Deferred :
pig out and start hating on this cruel world.</p>
stare at the computer for 3.4 hours
take an eternal shower
begin filling out my other apps in blood</p>
<strong>this option is too unfathomably demonic to even imagine the horrid results</strong></p>
-delete every college board SAT Question of the day from inbox
-tell parents
-present proof
-with parents, brainstorm ocean’s 11 caliber heist on nearest wachovia bank
-online shop for dark jeans to go with Columbia blue hoodie</p>
-weep a little
-do other apps, asaaap
-go heavy on ginger ale</p>
<p>“-delete every college board SAT Question of the day from inbox”
lol AGREED. i have so damn many of those and i gave up on doing them a year ago…lol</p>
<li>Thank god</li>
<li>Make it my announcement on Facebook</li>
<li>Call everyone who ever helped me with my application and thank them.</li>
<li>Cancel my Common App!</li>
<li>Have a glass of wine</li>
<li>Sigh. Loudly.</li>
<li>Tell my parents I need that wine a little earlier. </li>
<li>Facebook Announcement: Nathan is waiting till April for acceptance now…</li>
<li>Rush to Common App to finish all my supplements.</li>