If you have a question for me

<p>Check your spam folder.. lol thats where my email was for a while before i realized.</p>

<p>isn't it suppose to say "decision:admit" to make it official?</p>

<p>I guess I am in denial about the possibility that I actually got in... I just don't know why it would say "current program" if there was no possibility hahhaa
I'm just scared that i'll get a denial letter =/</p>

<p>My s's status page for regular freshman admission has had those lines all along, waitingaround8. If it's good news for you, I hope it's good news for him as well!</p>

<p>Ok i was admitted early decision- I dont know quite what yours looks like but heres a c/p of mine:</p>

<p>Application Data
Admission Term: Fall Semester 2009
Admission Type: Early Decision Applicant</p>

<h2>Decision: Acceptance</h2>

<p>Current Program
Level: Undergraduate
Catalog Term: Fall Semester 2009
Campus: Blacksburg</p>

<p>so basically i'm just needing the decision part!
ah stressed out!</p>

<p>see right now mine says....</p>

<p>Application Data</p>

<p>Admission Term: Fall Semester 2009
Admission Type: Transfer Applicant</p>


<p>Current Program</p>

Catalog Term:Fall Semester 2009

<p>ok forget my obsessing!!! I GOT IN :)</p>

<p>Congratulations, waitingaround! How did you find out? Stats?</p>

<p>I found out on my transfer status page where all my info was!
I had a 3.28 gpa so whoot!
now just to find out where to live ahhhhhhhhh</p>

<p>Congragulations waitingaround, are you a sophmore transferring or a freshman?</p>

<p>well i will be starting there as a second semester soph!</p>

<p>how easy is it to get on-campus housing?</p>

<p>If you're a freshman I believe they have to give you on campus housing. If you aren't then it's not THAT hard but getting harder as capacity decreases due to renovations and enrollment increases. It's really easy to get off campus housing though.</p>

<p>Hey Chuy (or anyone else, really), is themed housing worth it in your opinion? In particular things like the Wing and Galileo. Thanks!</p>

<p>I don't know much about the Wing. Galileo seems to be hit and miss with people. You have to take the extra class which can be difficult to fit in if you're not coming in with AP credits but you do get to be around all engineers (for better or for worse) your freshman year.</p>

<p>The Wing program is a floor above me. Looks like they do a lot of stuff together but other than that I don't really know too much about it. Im pretty sure its a coed floor.</p>

<p>I got admitted to VTECH IE major
I have a couple of questions.
1.I am asian(girl)I am a little woried about the shooting accidents' effects on campus. will they push me out because I am an Asian.
I am willing to make friends with white etc
2.How much accessible is the professors.
i would really appreciated if you can tell me ind detals
3. How is the advising system?I sh that convenient or useful?
I would really appreciated if you could delibrate them:P</p>

<p>1) No. Asian guys aren't even visibly discriminated against because of that, let alone girls.
2) That depends entirely on the professor. Theres no blanket answer for that one.
3) It's ok, but you have to keep on top of things yourself as well. On your major's website there should be a class checksheet. Take that to your adviser when you're doing your scheduling.</p>

<p>Thank you ,chuy!:)</p>

<p>chuy, do you know if transfer students are looked at together according to the different colleges applied to? im wondering why people that applied after me are finding out and i havent found out. Could this be a reason?</p>