if you have two B's...

<p>you can still get into MIT.</p>

<p>three B's is a different story. you are severely limited to a state college, and then at four b's, you're looking at a top 10 community college (serious).</p>

<p>I don’t know what to make of this. If it was meant to be a joke, it falls flat. If you are serious, I don’t know what to say other than… you’re completely wrong.</p>

<p>This is not true.</p>

<p>Did you make a new thread by accident?</p>

<p>“three B’s is a different story. you are severely limited to a state college, and then at four b’s, you’re looking at a top 10 community college (serious).”</p>

<p>Funny. I have 6 Bs on my transcript and a darn good LAC has already been kind enough to offer me admission. And I haven’t heard from my state university yet! XD</p>

<p>^ Living proof that this is ridiculous!</p>

<p>Honestly… I’m freaking out about my 2 B’s…
Do you guys think it’ll seriously affect my chances at Yale, Brown or Columbia?
(No joke, I almost gave up on working on those apps b/c of it)</p>

<p>^I didn’t apply to Ivies but I got into Georgetown with 7 B’s (including B+'s) throughout high school. It won’t be the deciding factor.</p>


<p>Is nobody getting the sarcasm in the OP’s post…? He’s clearly making fun of everyone on CC.</p>

<p>This thread = fail. The joke wasn’t that funny in the first place, and people still took it seriously.</p>

<p>Yeah, but that weird “(serious)” at the end had me really scratching my head. If he was going for sarcasm, he missed the mark.</p>