If you know ANYTHING, anything AT ALL, about the USABO, you'll want to click here.

<p>Dear Mr./Ms. Brilliant:
Where the heck can I find USABO local tests administered in the past? What about regional/national/semi-finalist/whatever?
If you have any ideas, i.e. website links, I'd be eternally grateful. Much respect.
I ask this because I know there are a ton of past USNCO local and national tests all over the place online, but I can't seem to find any BO ones. I know IBO recommends taking the CBO for practice, and they have some sample questions and stuff, and the Australian tests are apparently okay, but I'd feel better if I could run through a few of the real deals first.
Thanks a ton, and I'll be sure to help y'all out if you ever need it too.
Right, and thanks also for actually clicking.</p>


<p>I’m pretty sure there aren’t supposed to be readily available past USABO exams.</p>

<p>The only place I’ve ever found them is in the hands of teachers who proctored the first- and second-round tests in previous years.</p>