If you post in this thread, you WILL get in.

<p>yes!!!! got another lurker!</p>

<p>yayyyyy! NYC here i comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!</p>

<p>I'm trusting you The Gumby...</p>

<p>yeah, i think we are all trusting him at the moment.</p>


<p>im getting out my torch and pitchfork....its a mob if ur lying.....</p>

<p>=) hehehehehehe</p>

<p>wohoo, I'm in and I don't even have to submit an application!!</p>

<p>my mystical powers of prediction,baed on the ancient indian text of Bhrigu-Samhit predict that all cc'ers applying to Columbia will get in

<p>Whatever it takes. =p</p>

<p>First post karma</p>

<p>holla back</p>

<p>yeah ........... count me in</p>

<p>YAY! I posted!
Good karma now... I hope....</p>

<p>im posting here for good luck!! Good luck to everybody</p>

<p>thanks cb you too!</p>

<p>good luck to you too.</p>

<p>yay!!! im in!!!!!</p>

<p>:) why not ? right.. lol</p>

<p>im in!!! horrahhh!!</p>