<p>Or one semester? Also is it more expensive than an AP test?</p>
<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC</p>
<p>Or one semester? Also is it more expensive than an AP test?</p>
<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC</p>
<p>One college semester is equal to one year of a high school course.</p>
<p>I don’t know how expensive the AP tests are. You’ll have to look that up. California community colleges are $36 per unit. The majority of classes are 3 units but they also range from 1-5. So let’s say you take a 3 unit history course, it will cost you $108 plus the health fee each semester which is I think is $18 but I’m not sure, the cost of a parking pass if you need one ($15) and the cost of your textbook which you should most definitely NOT buy at the book store. Rent it from Chegg or Bookrenter or buy it off Amazon and sell it back at the end of the semester.</p>
<p>Just kidding!! I just remembered that college courses are free for high school students in California! Yay! </p>
<p>So, you still have to pay the health fee, buy a parking permit and get the textbook, but that’s still really cheap.</p>
<p>You should check for how many credits that class is. 4 credit classes are the equivalent of 1 year classes.</p>
<p>Wow one year? That’s what I need because I’m failing apush again this semester and I was thinking about taking the ap test($87)but decided not to.I live in California too!
<p>Sent from my SPH-M910 using CC</p>
<p>@semaphore12 </p>
<p>It’s different in every state. My 3 units classes counted as one year as did my 5 unit classes.</p>
<p>I’ve heard from a lot of different people including professors that community college classes are easier than AP classes and the AP test so I’m sure you’ll do fine as long as you put the work in :)</p>
<p>Update:Lucky for me it was and I passed! Now I’ll atleast graduate hs and my gpa will go up.</p>