If you weren't accepted at UF....

<p>I was answering some questions about the experience my second son has had at UCF Honors College over on the UF board. That really isn't the place, so if anyone is suddenly a lot more interested in UCF than they were, say, at 5:59 on Feb. 13, this is the place to discuss this excellent (IMO) option.</p>

<p>I was accepted to both UF and UCF-- but I think I will attend UCF. There is something about UF that just turns me off. Their website does not have enough information about the Computer Science program-- while UCF does. The dorms are small, while UCF has good size dorms.</p>

<p>Maybe someone could help me out with this decision.</p>

My youngest son has been accepted at both schools. I have a son at UF and a son at UCF. I am extremely happy with my son’s experience at UCF.</p>

<p>To me (and I say this knowing that son #3 may choose UF) the vibe at UF during the admissions process is “you’ll be lucky to get in, and if you don’t want to come here there are plenty more where you came from” and the vibe at UCF is “we want you and we’ll make your college experience here a great one.” Over time, that has an effect on how folks feel about the schools.</p>

<p>That said, my oldest was choosing between FSU and UF. He was leaning hard towards FSU, and I insisted that he visit both schools one more time, making a point to visit the department he was interested in (in his case, broadcast journalism). He went, he looked, compared programs, chose UF, and despite the bumps he has had, never looked back.</p>

<p>If you know you want to study computer science, this gets easy. Go visit both campuses, one more time. Visit their computer science departments. Talk to the deans, or at least some department heads. Look around.</p>

<p>When you have done this, I’ll bet you’ll KNOW. You’ll know which program you prefer, and why.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Thank you mom2three - I appreciate your input. The only downfall is that I don’t have the money or resources to visit either campus, so I am relying on their websites and emails that I continue to send out.</p>

<p>Also, I am already enrolled at UCF-- since I never really considered UF an option, until yesterday.</p>

<p>I know most would say go for UF because it is harder to get into, but something just not seem right about it – am I am being encouraged by family to attend UF. Hopefully I will get into UCF’s Honors College, because that will make my decision that much easier.</p>

Well. You’re sending out emails and using websites. Is anyone from either school responding to your emails? Have you tried just calling the Dean’s office of either school and asking about programs you might be interested in? What kind of feel do you get from those contacts?</p>

<p>I think it’s funny that UF gets a pass for being “so big” that they can’t give personal service, while UCF is almost as large (in terms of enrollment) and yet manages to give the vibe that they care about their students and potential students.</p>

<p>You might get a GREAT result from talking to a prof at UF. As far as expense to travel to the schools, if you can borrow a car it could be as cheap as gas plus PBJ’s if you know anyone who is already there who has a floor you could crash on for one night. Or gas for a day trip. If you are in state I think it’s doable and really worth making happen if you are truly undecided.</p>

<p>Full disclosure - I have a B.S. in Mathematics from UCF, with a minor in Computer Science. With that I was able to get a well paid job as a software engineer - back in the dark ages. Honestly, I don’t know how the departments are regarded these days.</p>

D is in at UCF, USF, not at UF and waiting on FSU. I thought you had to be offered Honors College at UCF, can she apply? Thanks!</p>

<p>I’d call the Honors College and ask. I’ve heard that you can request an application if you weren’t invited.
No personal experience with that.
BTW - back to the UCF personal touch - we hadn’t heard back from the Honors College at UCF, so I called to make sure they had gotten his application. The woman in charge called me right back, told me that son was missing a piece, and that they had emailed him about it. Kid doesn’t check his email.</p>

<p>Anyway kid got it faxed in, and I called to confirm it had arrive. She walked over and verified that it had, and said we’d be hearing back soon.</p>

<p>UCF really does have a “smaller” feel to me, despite its size…</p>

<p>Hey, I too want to major in computer science. I got accepted into both UCF and USF and waiting on UF. I want to know which department is better. Also I don’t have the money or time to visit so I have to go based on my research outcome. I am really interested in a school that will give me oppurtunities. Also, I prefer smaller classes so I can get more attention.</p>

<p>Hey themaudmaster, as far as size UCF and UF are both massive but FSU is still a large university as well. As far as small classes, essentially you will get that but not for gen ed courses or intro classes. I took intro to C programming in a large auditorium with about 200 people. However, whenever I was stuck I was still able to email the professor and TAs at any time and get help right away. They also have office hours and theres even a group of students that have study sessions and stuff to help you out. What I’m saying is that for lower level courses, large classes are universal in state colleges. UCF has a great CS program but I dont know much about the other 2 schools. If you can get into UCFs Honors College then you have the opportunity to take your lower level courses in a small classroom setting of no more than 20 students.</p>

<p>I visited the campus a few weeks ago and I have to say I was in shock with its size. I knew the school is big, but never imagined it to be THAT big.</p>

<p>I’m currently attending UCF. Prior to making my decision I was accepted into FSU, UF, NYU, Stetson, and UTampa.</p>

<p>I feel like I made the best choice coming here.</p>