<p>Hey guys,</p>
<p>I'm Nicole from NYULocal.com, a student blog that covers anything NYU-related, including you guys:</p>
<p>NYU</a> Local ? Pre-Acceptance Email Only Sent to Some Totally Freaks Out NYU ‘14 Applicants</p>
<p>NYU</a> Local ? College Confidential is a Source of Hilarity as Acceptance Day Nears</p>
<p>We're interested in talking to students that applied to NYUAD, especially the ones that have gone to the Candidates' Weekends and such. If you're one of these people, it'd be great if you can email me and be interviewed for post. My email is <a href="mailto:nicole.he@nyulocal.com">nicole.he@nyulocal.com</a>. Hope to hear from you soon.</p>