<p>please post here. </p>
<p>I failed my english quiz and math test. </p>
<p>I don't feel like disclosing numbers, but the range is obvious. </p>
<p><em>tear</em> <em>tear</em></p>
<p>please post here. </p>
<p>I failed my english quiz and math test. </p>
<p>I don't feel like disclosing numbers, but the range is obvious. </p>
<p><em>tear</em> <em>tear</em></p>
<p>No biggie s.h.i.t. happens.</p>
<p>I have failed so many times before that people wonder why I’m looking at such prestigious colleges.</p>
<p>Sophomore year, I got a 1/20 on a Chemistry quiz, 20/100 on a Pre-Calc test, failed a bunch of AP Calc and AP Physics, and just recently failed a Latin test.</p>
<p>chronicfuture12 is now my best friend.</p>
<p>ive failed a few tests…first time i failed one i freaked out tho lol after that it was ok its easy to make up</p>
<p>In Earth Science, I failed nearly every test.</p>
<p>In Integrated Geometry, I failed nearly every test involving proofs.</p>
<p>I’ve failed a few quizzes and stuff here and there, but not like in my first few years of HS.</p>
<p>I thought you meant an entire class. Who hasn’t failed a test somewhere along the line for one reason or another? We just had a test in Physics and I was the only one in the class that didn’t fail (C).</p>
<p>Failed a test in Algebra cause I didn’t study a page in the book that was equivalent to half the test, I made out ok. It’s fine, just try harder next time!</p>
<p>I failed 95% of my geometry homework.</p>
<p>ive failed so many quizzes in french, its a wonder im doing AP next year</p>
<p>If I get a C+ in AP English, I’m going to die.</p>
<p>Yea, relax. I just epically failed a few tests in the last few days, and I’m not worrying about it. You’ll be fine. There’s more to life than rocking every test with an A+.</p>
<p>I thought this was going to be about failures that were more important than failing grades. E.g., I fail at beatboxing.</p>
<p>For <em>one</em> out of many examples of my failing grades, my precalc class recently had a quiz. Loads of people got 100 on it, and I got like 4/7 (fail!). You gotta take things like that in perspective because in the long run, it doesn’t matter. :)</p>
<p>I failed USAMO and I got a 56% on a AP Physics Test this year (however, it was curved up to a B+)</p>
<p>I got a 52 one quarter in Italian.</p>
<p>She extended my quarter essay 8 weeks and I still didn’t do it. She took 20 points off in retaliation.</p>
<p>haha, i know people who have failed gym, twice. and someone with a .8 GPA, no need to worry.</p>
<p>Is failing really such a big deal? Failing a class is obviously bad, but you can fail a test and still get a B in most courses, maybe even an A.
I failed one math test with a 59% last quarter, but my teacher let me retake it. I think I must have failed my moth resent math test really badly and its horribly upsetting because it could completely mess up my semester grade and my GPA and my future. And I fail math quizzes sometimes, but none of us really care about or do well on those.</p>
<p>i got a 62 on my physics regents…and failed 4th quarter, but I passed for the year (65). I did have the worst teacher in the school though (my old science teachers all basically told me she was bad too haha)</p>
<p>Failing a class is better than failing in bed.</p>
<p>You think one quiz is bad?</p>
<p>I failed an ENTIRE CLASS in 9th grade.</p>