IGETC and Pre-requisite Questions - HELP!

<p>Do I have to complete both the IGETC and Pre-Requisites before I apply? Or which one of them can you be able to complete after I apply (I am going to apply to UCLA and Cal)? </p>

<p>Lastly, can a class count towards both the IGETC and the Pre-requisite?</p>


First off, you should strive to complete BOTH your pre-rews and IGETC before you transfer. I can not stress to you how important these are to your admission chances!</p>

<p>Second, depending on your major it is usually favorable to complete your pre-reqs
completely and IGETC to the best of your ability if both are not possible. for example: if you are pre-med or a science major UCB will not even consider your application if you do not have all your pre-reqs completed by spring before transfer. However, they will still consider you if all your pre-reqs are done and you are only missing 1 or 2 IGETC classes. </p>

<p>Lastly, ABSOLUTELY a class can count towards IGETC and your pre-reqs!</p>

<p>I hope this info helps,