<p>I took one year of Spanish in HS meaning i have to take a semester of Spanish 2 @ cc. My question is, will they count this class into my UC GPA, or just mark it off as a requirement?</p>
<p>anything transferrable counts towards your GPA and Spanish courses are transferrable</p>
<p>Could you possibly just take it for credit/no credit? One more thing, since IGETC only needs one semester of foreign language, couldn’t la4ever just repeat the first term of Spanish?</p>
<p>If all you need is this one semester, la4ever if I were you I’d just take that first term over again. Better safe than sorry.</p>
you cannot take it for credit or no credit. You need a letter grade.
Yes taking Spanish 1 fulfills the IGETC requirement because semester of Spanish at a community college is equivalent to two yrs of Spanish courses in high school</p>
<p>Wait, the IGETC only requires one semester of foreign language? Does this mean that Spanish 2 fulfills the requirement? I’m confused - I always thought that one is required to go up to 3rd-semester level (Spanish 3).</p>
<p>You need to take 2 years of a foreign language in high school to fulfill the language requirement.</p>
<p>Yes I know that - I didn’t do both years of FL in HS I don’t think. That’s why I’m doing the FL requirement now. Just wondering if it’s true that I only need to do one semester of FL (I placed in Spanish 2). Tell me now because I’m registered for Spanish 3 in Spring which I am dreading, haha.</p>
<p>If you’re thinking about applying to a private school then keep going with your FL but if you’re just gonna stick around and go to a UC, you’ve done enough by passing Spanish 2. Of course, this all depends on you becoming IGETC certified.</p>
<p>Oh yeah I got mixed up. I need Spanish 3 for USC. Thanks.</p>
<p>i took 2 years of french in HS i got a D in my first semester in french one but i got above C grades in the last three semesters in french.This lady spoke to me about it and she said because i passed with a C in a higher level that i am ok. I also took french 1 at CC but i am really nervous about meeting the language requirement for igetc.</p>
<p>treverp, make sure this lady is the one in charge of IGETC certification, not just a counselor or anyone else.</p>
<p>i figured it out.
according to the uc counciler IGETC rules and regulations</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.asccc.org/icas/Docs/Final%20IGETC_Standards_v1_1_06-04-09.pdf[/url]”>http://www.asccc.org/icas/Docs/Final%20IGETC_Standards_v1_1_06-04-09.pdf</a></p>
<p>10.6.2c Validation of Less Advanced Coursework<br>
A more advanced course may be used to “validate” a less advanced
course even if the less advanced course does not appear on the high
school transcript. </p>
<p>Example: Spanish level 2 in high school completed with at
least “C-” grades “validates” Spanish level 1. </p>
<p>so because i got above C grades in both semesters of french 2 i should be good as long as this is accurate</p>
<p>if anyone is confused about IGETC the link above are the rules and regulations hand book</p>