IGETC Question

<p>This is a re-post from the Transfer Student board. Since there is no board for CSUs, I thought I'd post here as well. </p>


<p>I have an IGETC question.</p>

<p>I have a counseling appointment on Dec. 3rd but my priority registration date is the 24th of this month so I'm hoping I could get some feedback here.</p>

<p>I'm currently attending DVC and hope to transfer in Spring 2010. I'm changing my major from history to Speech Language Pathology and since UC's don't offer this major, I'm looking to transfer to SFSU, CSULB, CSUEB, SJSU, or Chico. To fulfill my Oral Communication req. I accidentally took Interpersonal Communication instead of Public Speaking at the advise of some friends and a counselor.</p>

<p>Since my new major is Speech Language Pathology, can Interpersonal Communication be used to fulfill the Oral Communication req. or do I still have to take Public Speaking? Or does it depend on the school?</p>

<p>Any input would be appreciated.</p>


<p>Anyone. . . ?</p>

<p>i’m pretty sure the oral communications requirement is independent of your major, therefore if you couldn’t use it before I don’t think you can now</p>

<p>Unless you took interpersonal comm in the Fall of 93 or earlier, you must take public speaking to fulfill IGETC Area 1 Group C.</p>

<p>If you are transferring to a CSU you don’t have to follow IGETC. They have specific requirements just for CSUs. Unless they changed it since I was in there 2 years ago…</p>